Maltese yeasty skin problem Questions

Discussion in 'Maltese' started by msuwendy, Oct 21, 2015.

  1. msuwendy

    msuwendy New Member

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    Maltese yeasty skin problem

    Hi Everyone

    I have a question regarding the yeast problem on my 2 years old maltese, he used to be on kibbles and suddenly a black dot spot coming out from his skin and getting worse the itch and the licking, and i realise that in between the toe there are also a black little dots which i later i found out it is the yeast infection

    i've search the web regarding the yeast and how to solve it, is by eliminating all the glucose factor in the meal and starve the yeast altogether

    so i change the kibbles to raw diet consists of chicken, beef and fish, blend it all together and mix it with coconut oil, he loves it but seems the condition is getting a bit worse right now, usually it colonised near the armpit of both front legs and nearby his genitals,but after 2 weeks of raw i saw it spread around the chest and and a lot on the top side of his body, which kind of confused me on why the yeast is spreading while we actually limiting the food for the yeast to grow

    Or does the effect actually takes more time?

    Anyone experienced this?
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  3. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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    Coconut oil is an excellent anti-fungal, how if the problem is internal it would take more than two weeks imo. You can also use coconut oil directly on the skin :)

    However I would go to a vet first just to be on the safe side.
  4. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I would also consult a vet. You seem to have two dogs with rather similar symptoms, -do you think is it possible that this is a condition which could have been passed from one dog to the other, - such as a mite infestation?
  5. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    I would make a appointment with your vet ASAP, then come ask questions about what vet says.
  6. msuwendy

    msuwendy New Member

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    Azz and CaroleC like this.
    Yes ive been to the Vet and he's been administer anti parasite injection and oral medicine for his allergic condition

    My Alaskan is at the other room and separated from the rest, i got 6 dogs and only this 2 got a problem

    Done it

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