- Gender:
- Female
- Birthday:
- August 27
- Location:
- Pennsylvania
- Occupation:
- Homesteader
- Name:
- Jen
- Your dogs name/s:
- Terra
- Breeds owned:
- Catahoula, presently.
- Other Breeds owned or previously owned:
- Catahoula, Shi-tzu, Elkhound, Rottweiler/Lab, Weimaraner/German Shepherd, Labrador, Whippet, Beagle.
- Has owned dogs for:
- More than 20 years!
- Dogs Owned:
- 1
- Number of dogs owned over the years.:
- 10 - 15
- I have trained dogs to:
- A high level (more than 20 different commands)
- Believe in using positive training methods?:
- Yes - but I will raise my voice if I have to
- Have you ever shown any of your dogs?:
- No I do not show
- Have you ever bred your dog?:
- no - but plan to
- Other Animals I own:
- None others yet but I plan to
- Marital Status:
- in LTR
- Children / Grandchildren:
- 1 Son
- 1 Daughter
- Drives:
- Dodge Grand Caravan, although I have no earthly idea why that matters.
- My Story:
- I doubt you really want to read a novel, but to the relevant points, I got my first job when I was 14, at a boarding kennel. I fell in love with the job, and with dogs in general, and for long time I considered making a career move out of one day opening my own commercial kennel. Somewhere in my late teens I met a breeder who had made it her life's work to reintroduce the long haired variant of the Whippet, and I had many long conversations with her about K9 genetics and the things she did to accomplish her goal, all while keeping in mind a desire to breed healthy animals. This idea, of breeding with a purpose of creating something other than a reproduction of the same thing over and over, really struck a chord with me, but I was enough of an advocate for shelter dogs even then to realize that without a real reason, I couldn't bring myself to become that kind of breeder. I didn't want to just make a designer breed to say I did it. As such, for the last couple of decades, I've quietly sat on my passion and while I've owned dogs over the years, I've not bred. I've kept things simple, continuing to work with dogs, learn about them, study their genetics to a point that honestly, I probably know most of what vet techs know at this point, even if I never went to school for it. Yay google! In any case, recently my family and I have embarked on a lifestyle change and begun to embrace the Homesteading life, which brought to my attention a certain demand for "Livestock Guard Dogs". As I spoke to more and more Homesteaders, I found while many were happy with the breeds available and specifically bred already for guarding livestock, there were others like myself who looked at the options and found the list lacking - that for the modern Homesteader there could be a better option. So, I suppose I've found my mission. I'm researching at this point, trying to consider what the ultimate LGD would be, and how to go about breeding one in a responsible manner. My research trail brought me here. There you go. Story.
Bloody hell, you want a "Story" and still want to know more about me? Alright. I'm from a small town. My dad is a doctor. My mom is the kind of scary smart and no nonsense that makes our local State Representatives somewhat afraid of her (she's a big advocate for Homeschoolers and has often gone to bat for them in court) and each of her ten children careful on when and on what we'll cross her on. She's Italian. Dad's British. Our family gatherings aren't tiny, ever, and my kids have many, many cousins. Every time I think I've got the headcount right one of my sisters pops out another kid.
My wonderful partner puts up with all of that insanity with the grace of an angel and I love her for it, especially considering the fact that my childrens' father is scared stiff of my mom and still likes to talk about "that time your dad asked me what my intentions with you were" with mortification.
About me? I value the people in my life. I value my dog. Terra was a humane society rescue. They called her a "terrier mix". I guess the hicks in this small town had never seen a Catahoula before, but one look at her and I was already half in love. My biggest concern the day I met her was that she would be too high energy for my then still small children, but a few days later I brought my kids up to meet her, and instead of trying to jump her 65lb arse into their laps like she did me, and just flopped on the ground and let them lay on her, pull her ears, pull her tail, play with her toes, poke her in the eye... any damn thing they wanted and not once did she nip, or act annoyed, or try to run away, or so much as bark... she just licked them. That was it for me. Sold. You can decide on a general temperament you want for a dog and pick a breed best suited, but end of the day every breed has exceptions and every puppy is taking a chance. I couldn't buy what I saw that day with Terra in my kids. It was magical. Even if it means I absolutely may not go to the bathroom alone anytime in the foreseeable future, or for that matter to the next room alone... it's worth it. People talk about having a "familiar", (in certain circles) and I didn't get it until I got this dog.Interact
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