8-year old GSP now hyper all the time Behaviour

Discussion in 'German Shorthaired Pointer' started by CharlesColeman55, Nov 25, 2024.

  1. CharlesColeman55

    CharlesColeman55 New Member

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    8-year old GSP now hyper all the time

    Great family pet, still full of energy but now hyper all the time - constantly barking his head off for food and to go out. Wakes up around 4 to 5am and ready for action, obsessed with getting fed and going out.

    Upon return, still barking his head off and we have to give 2-3 snacks before he settles down.

    This is relatively new behavior, he used to sleep in until 7am and would settle down after breakfast and a walk.

    We have a big field out back so he gets to run and pretty much owns it.

    Dog food was changed about 6 months ago to save money, but then we changed back about 4 months ago, before this behavior started.

    Tonight he barked his head off 4 times in 2 hours to go out on the leash, this was after a big walk and taking care of business.

    Thank you.
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  3. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    Have you taken to get him checked out by a vet?
  4. CharlesColeman55

    CharlesColeman55 New Member

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    - going to do that this week, but just wanted to see if any owners have dealt with this.

    It's been ramping up actually over the past 2 years, the dog kennel place gave him some chill pills at a recent stay. But it's just (kind of) out of control now.

    Once he settles down for the night, he's fine, but typically getting up at 4am - 5am. And most of the day he's fine, just hanging out while we work at home. Then ramps up in the afternoon / early evening.

    Thank you!
  5. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Because this is a change in behaviour, I would also get your dog checked by a vet before making any other changes.
    However, dogs don't usually exercise themselves sufficiently, even if they do have a large area to run in. Does your boy actually get the stimulation of fresh scents and experiences, and enough exercise to open his lungs and stretch his muscles? The GSP is naturally a high energy breed which was bred to work all day in the field in all weathers.
  6. CharlesColeman55

    CharlesColeman55 New Member

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    Yes, we're going to the Vet. Also, he's out usually 3 times a day on a nice free walk in a big field with a line of woods to scope out. He keeps in the open "confines" just by calling him and he follows along. Not as fired up as he was when he was a pup, but still charges out and runs like a galloping horse at the start.

    He's still very fit and muscular, 65 lbs.

    Thank you.
  7. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    Definitely see what the vets says. If it is a medical issue, then behavioral suggestions are pretty much useless.

    It sounds like he recently had a stay at a boarding kennel. Was that stay (or a prior one) when things started? Boarding kennels can be over stimulating for some dogs. They all build on one another's stress and/or excitement, but have little ability to release it. So when they get home, they sort of go nuts. Most kennels are a hotbed of barking too, so some dogs will become much more vocal after a stay. It may be that he needs refresher courses on appropriate in-house behavior after his kennel stays. Always keep it positive, simply redirect him from the unwanted behaviors and praise him when he redirects.

    Also, remember that dogs need mental exercise as well as physical. High energy working breeds need to tire out their brains. Walks just don't do that. There are many mental activities that you can do with him. Hide and seek is a fun game that can get him using his brain and his pointer instincts.
  8. CharlesColeman55

    CharlesColeman55 New Member

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    These are all great tips, thank you!

    I don't think it's related to the kennel, but it could be. It's 4-5 times a year he goes there, definitely overstimulation I would say. And the kennel owner had to give him a chill pill one time.

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