Addisons disease Health

Discussion in 'Miniature Pinscher' started by Angus69, Mar 2, 2022.

  1. Angus69

    Angus69 New Member

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    Gilbert Misson

    Addisons disease

    Hi. it has been a while since I have loged in to see how people & their dogs are going. We had our little minpin Delta diagnosed with Addisons disease about 12 months ago took a lot of tests & a change of vets to get there but we finaly found out the problem. I am wondering if anyone else out there has a dog with Addisons, We have Delta on Pednisolone every second day, but the morning of the second day she won,t eat before she goes out side & goes straight for some new grass & eats grass & then she will vomit the contents of her stomach up then she lies down with her belly groumbling for a while & will then go & eat her breakfast up. I am wondering if we gave her the tablet the night before if that might help. She seems to be worse when I take her walking around our town park where there are a lot of ducks & native hens & she gets quite excited trying to chase ducks into the streem that runs through the park & gets the hens running, she is on a long retracable lead so she can,t do any damage to the birds.She has become very nervous since she got Addisons & won,t walk down the road with me any more, thats why she walks in the park. Any advice from any one would be good.
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  3. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I didn't want to ignore you, but I have no experience of Addison's disease.
    Prednisolone does make them very hungry so I'm wondering whether this could be why she is eating grass. I think I might try giving her a dog biscuit in case it is acid in her stomach.
    I was always told that steroids should be given in the morning - though vets do not seem to stress this these days. It might be worth a phone call to your vet to check.
  4. Angus00

    Angus00 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Gilbert Misson
    Thank you CaroleC, Finding owners with dogs with Addisons disease is a bit hard to find. delta is a very active little dog & seems to run out of energy quickly now & sleeps a lot. I will check it with the vet & see what he has to say.
  5. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Yes it isn't a common complaint. Cushing's is the opposite effect, and is far more frequently seen.
    Do come back and share your vet's advice. It might help someone else someday.
  6. Angus00

    Angus00 New Member

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    I have spoke to the vet & he said if she was going to be in a stressful situation to give her another tablet before I take her into that sort of situation it will stop the problem, I will see how she goes & check back with him if there is any more trouble. she is doing ok now.
  7. Angus00

    Angus00 New Member

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    Gilbert Misson
    Delta is having a problem with breathing sometimes, she has done it for years & is quite ok after the attack, what she does is all of a sudden she starts breathing in & out very fast only lasts for around thirty seconds & stops she sometimes starts it again within a minute & lasts about as long. She looks a bit stressed at the time but goes about quite ok after the little attack, I asked the vet some time ago & it didn,t seem to bother him much, but it is happening a bit more often now she has Addisons. anyone out there had similar problems with their dog.
  8. Helidale

    Helidale Member

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    This sounds like reverse sneezing. Lots of small dogs do it, and it is fairly common in Beagles too. When this happens, cover Delta's nostrils for about ten seconds. This should make him take a breath through his mouth, which will instantly correct his breathing. Gentle pressure on the diaphragm usually helps too. If you Google something like, Dog, Reverse Sneezing, there should be some YouTube videos showing these methods.
  9. Angus00

    Angus00 New Member

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    Thank you for that advice. I did google that & watched some videos on reverse sneezing & that is exatly what she does, it is our summer season here in Tasmania & we live on the outskirts of the little sea side town of Penguin with a lot of farm land around us at the back of our block with hay making & polen floating around so that could be some of the problem. I will try what said about covering her nostrils & see what happens. I will keep in touch & let you know how I go.
  10. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    OK. It is just too cool that you live in Penguin!
  11. Angus00

    Angus00 New Member

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    It does get quite cool here at times, But we think it is a pretty cool place to live.
  12. Angus00

    Angus00 New Member

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    Gilbert Misson
    Hi folks. just thought you might like an update on Delta, She is doing ok but she is not making it through the 48 hours between medication so we have decided to give her the medication the night before now otherwise she is quite sick by the next morning & comes to me to get her medication, she seems to know what is wrong. she usualy starts througing up & looks very distressed, but in a couple of hours after her medication she is ready to eat again. I don't know if that is normal with addisons or weather they gradually get worse, but we will see what happens.
  13. Angus00

    Angus00 New Member

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    Hi folks. I thought I should update you on Delta, she is doing ok, but has become very nervous & gets excited easy wich seems to take a lot out of her. we had to bring her medication forward to 30 hours between medication from 40 hours, Still a great little dog & knows when she needs a tablet, she goes & standsby the pantry door, She loves to go riding in the car, but gets very upset if we take her to town where there is traffic so we leave her home when we go shopping. Hope all your dogs are doing fine.

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