Give me my Newfie Fix!! Photos

Discussion in 'Newfoundland' started by katie84, Sep 1, 2008.

  1. katie84

    katie84 New Member

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    Give me my Newfie Fix!!

    I know I sound crazy, but I absolutely love Newfies, never met one but I love them - isn't that crazy??

    If you have any newfies and wanna add your pic to this thread to help me out, I'd appreciate it!

    I'm hoping to go to Crufts next year so I can meet one in the flesh and see for myself!! The excitement is bursting out of me! :lol:

    I wish one day I can be a proud owner of one!
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  3. HannahCB

    HannahCB New Member

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    i cant get them to upload!! will try again later
  4. katie84

    katie84 New Member

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    Thank you so much :)
    I really adore these cute bears.

    Is there anywhere I can go to see these dogs? Like a Newfie club somewhere, where I can see what they are like etc...crufts seems so far away :(
  5. shiba

    shiba New Member

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    Hope you like my little devils,

    JESS who is nearly 2.


    Bianca who is 3yrs old


    Double trouble....:lol: Staring at an icecream


    A friends house (she owns 6, notice the hair stuck to the side of the house)


    water rescue training, my son is in the front of this pic, every week we climb into wetsuits and are in a lake all day. Rain or shine the dogs expect it.:lol:



    This was an interested read with pics that was posted a while ago,
  6. k9xxb


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    LOL - bet you a pound to a penny they got the ice-cream, lol. Great pics!! :grin:
  7. katie84

    katie84 New Member

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    Your dogs are GORGEOUS!!
    It must be so much fun swimming with them. Such a great bond to build.

    Thats amazing that your friend has 6 of them :O WOW! Lol at the hair on the wall, (our next door neighbour has an Akita and we have all the hair in our drains lol) God knows what it must be like with 6 newfies! Hell of alot of cleaning.

    Thanks for the link, such an interesting read and great pics too.
    Oh I so want one!!!
    Thanks for sharing the pics, there fab :D
  8. DippyLeo

    DippyLeo New Member

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    Well Katie .... you asked for it ..... ;-) 8)

    Baby Baby Seth with his siblings .....

    A wk or so before coming home .....

    First day home .....

    Doing what newfies do .....

    Soppy Soggy Pup

    Water Fun

    With a Girly Friend

    Draught Work ....


    Dirty Sandy Beasties

    Boat 'o' Babies

    Enough? .... Plenty More where they came from ..... :mrgreen:
  9. grommit

    grommit New Member

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    Dont know about the first poster but more please! more please! more please! such beautiful dogs, wish my OH was'nt allergic to longhairs:-(
  10. shiba

    shiba New Member

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    dippyleo - some lovely pics there, i enjoyed them.:grin:

    As for meeting the dogs, i will try and find out some show dates for you.

    I belong to a water rescue display group. We are about 10 newfie owners who train and then do displays with there dogs. We have a website and raise money for a childrens hospice and dogs trust. We've also done some tv appearances. Just filmed the one show and waiting for it to be aired. Whizz one of our big landseer newfs won the dogs trust award this year for rescueing a setter.

    The web address, with all the stories is:

    If you look on the events page, it tells you where we are doing our displays, unfortunately we are at the end of our season, but may be handy for next year. We get loads of public coming to see and talk to us about our dogs.
  11. shiba

    shiba New Member

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    dippyleo- just wanted to add that i love the draught work pic.

    I don't know much about it or anyone who does that. It looks brill and i would love to watch them sometime, but just don't know where to go down this way.
  12. Shona


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    Dito loved that one too, great photos

    here is one of old Nelson, he doesnt belong to me hes owned by nero and nelsons mum on the forum who have four of my rotties,
    this one was taken when he came to the training club a few months ago,,
    Not bad for an old man of 11 is he
    here he is doing his wave and smile trick,,,hes a star

  13. katie84

    katie84 New Member

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    Wow thats an amazing site, its great that the dogs are doing such things for charity!! Really is great! I'd really love to meet them, I'll have to keep a eye out on the events!!

    I just can't seem to get them out of my head lol, sadly though I doubt we will be able to afford one :(

    I'm loving all the pics...keep them comig :D :D
  14. DippyLeo

    DippyLeo New Member

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    Thanks shiba, I can't get over how gorgeous your girls are ... and I can't believe Jess is nearly 2! :shock: Time is flying By! :grin:

    We don't belong to a Draught group, we have a cart etc but only chance we get to use it is at Seth's breeders when we go for fun days etc .... Seth Lurves his cart and so shows off when he's pulling it!
    Maybe it's something that your water group could start doing? :?
  15. DippyLeo

    DippyLeo New Member

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    Nelson's Fab ... More Pics Please! 8)
  16. shiba

    shiba New Member

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    You've just got me thinking:lol:

    When we do our demo's in the water, we walk back with the wet dogs through the crowds of people that have been watching us. We have hospice collection buckets. We did try last year to attach 2 to one of the big dogs by there harness, as they attract the most attention, people always want to touch and cuddle them. :lol:

    If i was only clever enough i could make a collection cart, how cool would that be. :lol:
  17. shiba

    shiba New Member

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    Agree, nelson is just brilliant:lol:
  18. DippyLeo

    DippyLeo New Member

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    Now there's a good Idea! Sure you could persuade someone to help you ...... :p

    I'm always looking at the newfoundfriends website, it really is a great site and you all do a grand job :)
  19. shiba

    shiba New Member

    Likes Received:
    Thank you.

    Are last display is a private one in Bristol. Its to raise money for guide dogs, i've been told that we have about 40 blind people being sponsered to be rescued from the marina.

    Thats going to be interesting how thats going to work, but will probabley raise alot of money again so am looking forward to it.

    I expect there will be loads of guide dogs as well around.
  20. katie84

    katie84 New Member

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    That sounds like its going to be a great day! I wish I lived near bristol so I could come along!!
    Good luck and hope you raise loads....

    More pics please - love NEWFIES :D :D
  21. HannahCB

    HannahCB New Member

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    Are we allowed to mention other websites????

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