Yesterday evening Tikva asked to go to bed at 11pm - early for her. This morning, 12½ hours later, she deigned to get up. Breakfast was supposed to have been two hours ago. So where is Tikki? Sprawled outside and still unfed because she has not asked for breakfast. But I can guarantee that as soon as she hears me move she will shoot in and complain that she is starving. Either the clocks have stopped or her circadian rhythm has flown out of the window!
It is not the weather Chris - I think that she and I are both on a different time-scale now and have been since the beginning of March due to me not being able to go out. The weather had hardly varied since not longer after that either. I normally close the door after the macolet closes in the evening as there is nothing to see outside after that, and Tikki usually dozes on the couch - or has a mad half hour then another doze - just asking to go out when she needs to pee then it is back for another doze. Last evening when she had gone out at about 11pm she came in and sat on the end of the couch nearest the doorway to the rest of the bungalow [her "nest" is at the other end of it]. And she was asking for something. So I said "do you want ah ba baby" and her tail said yes - "ah ba baby" is just my left hand under her chin and her head resting on my hand while I stroke her head, and she has her "ah ba baby" mantra - her throat purring like a cat! As soon as I unclip her tether she shoots into the bedroom and waits for me to open her crate. But it is usually gone midnight when she decides it is bedtime, even though I am usually up until much later than that, so it was early for her. She always knows when I get up - lifts her head to look at me and then goes back to sleep, and frequently does not decide she wants to get up until 10am or later, then I hear a little yip to ask me to go and let her out of her crate. This morning I had to call out to her that it was up time! Oh, and she finally asked for her breakfast at nearly 1pm!
My puppy malinois slept 7 hours last night!! Absolutely unheard of. Something is up. She didn’t just go from 2 1/2 hour wake ups to 7 hour
I would not complain Brian - 7 hours sleep for you is much better than 2½ hour wake-up! Puppies do eventually sleep through the night and your Mal is still only a baby - she might possibly wake you during the night on and off for another few weeks yet. Tikva is 5½ years old now but came to me at just 3 weeks and eeped for a bottle every couple of hours day and night - and it was ages before she regularly slept through the night. This morning she was still in her crate at coming up to 11am and had not asked to get up even though I am sure she must have been awake - especially as the ice-cream van had been round and she usually "sings" along with it. Well, she thinks it is singing but it is a typical hound howl! Usually when she is ready she will yip to let me know it is up time and until then I have a chance to check my emails and posts before she requires my complete attention!