Hi everyone this is Jason from Hong Kong, I am new to this forum and had my first female BC called Nana in about 1 month ago. She was by then about 2 - 2.5 months old, weighted 2.1 kg (4.62 lbs) and she's 3.6kg (7.92 lbs) now after one month, her size doesn't have any obvious change as in height and length. She's currently eating the regular puppy petfood from "Vigor & Sage" and feeding her 200g per day separating in 3 meals after consulting the vet (she only ate about 80g per day before we went to the vet 10 days ago as we followed the feeding guide at the back of the package). I am just concerning about her growth rate as she seems underweighted and undersized for her age and wanna see if I can do anything to improve on it. Cheers a lot guys!
Well tbh I don't know if she's pure breed or not...And my vet only said she was too light-weighted and thin during the appointment in 10 days ago, as the vet could easily feel her ribs. So the vet suggested us to double the amount of food. But the vet didn't mention about the development part.
Hello Jason, welcome to you and Nana to Breedia from Tikva and me I do not know anything about "Vigor & Sage" petfood, nor do I know anything about Border Collies, but Nana is definitely a real little cutie ! I also do not know about dog food but feeding guides at the back of packages are usually for average size/age of puppies/dogs, and just 80g a day does not sound anywhere near enough, especially if your vet now says she should have 200g per day separated into three meals. A lot of vets are that not very experienced in feeding as they are not taught much about feeding/nutrition during their training. But at Nana's age she definitely should be fed three times a day, and she has gained 1.5kg in the month she has been with you, so I would not panic about her weight or size. That is quite a good weight gain for such a young puppa - some gain weight and size quickly, some look the same size and then all of a sudden put on a spurt of both weight and size. If your vet is satisfied with her weight and development, and you trust your vet, then I think you should take his advice. Only time will tell so just keep a regular check on her weight Both my previous dogs were fed on kibble but from the amount they ate I worked out the amount they should have - nothing like the amount on the feed pack though. I used a polystyrene cup that I marked inside the amount that was right for them [different cups as they were different sizes]. But I changed to raw feeding mid-2011 [I had already lost my first little girl] and little Tikva was put on raw after she had been weaned. I do not measure/weigh it - I go by sight, although I did weigh things for Pereg when I changed her to raw as I had to keep her weight down. You say your vet can easily feel her ribs - until very recently it was possible to see most of Tikva's ribs and spine, and although she is quite a good weight now [plus or minus 6kg at 3 years old] it is still possible to see her lower ribs and spine [and feel all of them] but she is as solid as a rock. She has not looked any bigger though and still wears the same Small size harness. May we have more photographs of Nana please? She is such a pretty little puppa.
Hi she looks a beautiful little girl ! I’m no expert but my sister has border collies and to me she looks as if she has a mix of a smaller dog, so, maybe that is why she isn’t growing at the rate of a pure bred BC Saying that, is she healthy in her self, eating, drinking and lively ? It goes without saying if you have any real worries you should get advice from a vet who can physically examine her Please let us know hoe you get on
I think she looks too fine to be a pure bred Border Collie - she may be crossed with a Shetland Sheepdog, or possibly something even smaller. She is a pretty little girl though, and should start to improve her weight now that you have had some good advice from your vet.