Hello I'm new here and this is my first post. I have a rough collie (Rigby) who is 8 months old now. He's a really good dog but has this annoying and painful habit of biting me and everyone else when playing. He's very pushy, and will press his toy against your leg. So it goes like this - He grabs a toy and brings it over to me. He drops toy and proceeds to to bite (pinch more like) on the thigh. I tell him no and he just starts barking, getting ready for round two. He wants to play but how can I play with him if he has such bad manners? If anyone has suggestions, please help.
A decent start would be to put the toys away and you decide when the games start. That way, he doesn't have to persuade you to play, you persuade him. He's going through adolescence and is trying to push the boundaries to see what behaviour you will accept and what he can get away with. Another technique would be to walk out of the room when the nipping starts. No talking, no eye contact etc. Tedious, but tends to work