I believe if it's not broken don't fix it. If he doesn't have any health issues then I don't see any need to do it.
Hello Sharron, I say don't do it as the time to do it was after when the oxytocin first started flowing. Don't if you weren't intending on doing it in the first place. But again that's just my opinion and what I would do. You decide what you think is right. After all he's your dog. You can only get advice from people and make a decision. Best wishes on whatever you decide to do for your boy, Jane xx P.S. I think is the right time to ask for pictures. We all love a good dog photo whatever shape or size.
Had my bc for 5 years and didn't do as thought it wasn't very nice. My bc is a handful and my in laws think it would help.
Hello again Sharron, Neutering a dog most often that not makes them less of a handful when it comes to trying to mate but doesn't necessarily improve the behaviour of your dog. It's different on every dog some may calm down others not. Neutering your Border Collie may and may not calm him down. Hope this helps, Jane xx P.S. I have also known a friend who neutered there dog and for some reason there dog thought he still had his parts. Didn't stop him from trying to mate whether it was possible or not.