Hi, I'm new on here as I'm after some advise. I've got a 2 year old pedigree ddb. For a while now he's been licking his feet and sometimes chews them. I thought at first he's cleaning them, then as it got more I thought has he got into a habit of licking them. He also keeps getting ear mites which we keep treating but I since found out you should keep treating the ears for a while after the wax has gone to make sure it clears up properly. I googled about his ears and feet thinking it's a linked problem. We've now got rid of the mites (well still treating for a while longer) but his feet are still swollen and red. I've just been looking online an have been reading about hyperkeratosis, the more I read about it the more I think that's what he's got as it affects nose and paws and now looking I think his nose is dry to. Has anybody got any advise/tips on hyperkeratosis? I've also read there's no cure? Thank in advance