Pannus Health

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by Toedtoes, Jul 9, 2024.

  1. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    So this past spring Cat-dog was diagnosed with Pannus. It didn't bother her, and other than one eye's cornea being stained dark, there were no symptoms. The vet agreed to just watch and see how it progresses before getting a specialist involved.

    Since then, I notice she is rubbing her eyes more and she does get crusties in the corner of the eye.

    I am starting this thread to follow her progress with the disease so others can see what helps her and what doesn't.

    UV light appears to make pannus worse and cause irritation. Cat-dog and Tornado-dog have been going outside with me while I garden, swim, etc, which isn't good for her. But she doesn't like her brother going out without her where she can't protect him from dogs.

    So, today I ordered 2 pairs of dog sunglasses. I'm going to see if I can get both dogs accustomed to wearing them when they go outside. I will update as to how this goes and if it helps at all.

    Next month, Looney3 (Panther) has her annual exam, so I'll ask the vet about eye ointments or drops for Cat-dog also. I'll update on that discussion then.
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  3. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Sorry that Cat Dog is not doing well. Hope the shades help. I hope your vet has some suggestions.
  4. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    As I watch her today, I realize that she rubs at her eyes as soon as she comes in from outside. She doesn't rub at them when she's been inside. So it does appear that the sun is bothering her eyes and otherwise the disease is not bothering her. IF she will wear the shades, they should help with that.

    There is no cure, it's really just treating the symptoms.

    Cat-dog has no loss of vision, etc. And she doesn't have any inflammation of the third eyelid, etc. And that it started at an older age (between 9 and 10 years), it has a much better chance of not worsening.

    All that suggests that at most she'll need the ointment/drops to manage the disease.

    So I'm hopeful that the shades will reduce what discomfort she gets from being outside - if she will take to wearing them. If not, then she just won't be allowed outside when I'm out doing stuff - only quick potty trips.
  5. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    Since I posted this, I have limited Cat-dog's outdoor time to just two quick potty runs during the day and then a relaxed outdoor time after dark. She isn't rubbing at her eyes like she was. Just a quick wipe with her paw when she comes in from the quick trips. That is definitely an improvement and suggests that, if I can get her to wear them, the shades should help reduce the irritation of sun exposure. Both dogs are feeling the frustration of not going outside as much, so I hope she'll wear them.
  6. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Is it definitely Pannus? As you say, it's not a typical age of onset. I wonder if she might have developed an allergy to something like pollen? Either way, I do hope the goggles help. It must be frustrating for a dog to not have time outdoors.
  7. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    The vet was pretty certain it is pannus. Her cornea is stained dark on one eye. I had originally thought she was blind in that eye and her pupil was permanently dilated but she sees fine.

    Just after I posted the above, one pair of glasses arrived early. So I strapped them on her and we all went out back. She tried to take them off, but after telling her to leave them alone a few times, she started to walk around with them. They didn't affect her ability to see where she was going, etc. We spent about 15 minutes out there (it's really hot). When we got inside, she tried to rub them off until I took them off for her.

    And, she did not rub at her eyes at all after being outside. So, the first trial suggests success. We'll keep using them and watching to make sure that it is consistently stopping her from rubbing at her eyes.
  8. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    That sounds good then. I'm sure that she will get used to them soon. Are they tinted, or polarised? I wonder what effect that has on a dog's vision?
  9. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    They are not polarized or mirrored lenses but have UV protection. They are tinted a dark gray so they shouldn't affect her color at all - just darken it more. They do have interchangeable lenses and the other lenses are clear but I'm not sure if they are UV protected.
  10. cooperdog

    cooperdog New Member

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    glad to hear the sunglasses are working out! fingers crossed it continues to help.

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