Pinecone problem Questions

Discussion in 'Dalmatian' started by Dalmatianchloe, May 29, 2015.

  1. Dalmatianchloe

    Dalmatianchloe New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sharon Townsend

    Pinecone problem

    does anybody else's dogs eat and chew pinecones? we live in the countryside and there are a lot of pinecones about and every two seconds Chloe and Ebony have a pinecone in their mouths! they spend the entire walk scanning the ground for pinecones and when they find one they can be picky some they will just chew some they will actually swallow I am worried that pinecones might be dangerous to them or is it just simply because they are lacking some kind of mineral?
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  3. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    They are in the Christmas poisonous plant list - but that might be because of the gold & silver paint on them
  4. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Found these articles about pinecones

    Pine cones are dangerous for puppies to chew on.
    Pine cones are bad for puppies to eat. While they aren't toxic, eating them can cause problems such as intestinal blockages and vomiting. Safer alternatives for chewing exist and care should be taken to avoid pine cones.

    Pine Cones
    The ASPCA classifies pine trees as toxic to dogs and cats, leading to symptoms such as vomiting and depression. This usually relates to pine needles or sap, which may be attached to the pine cone your puppy is trying to eat. Pine cones can also cause intestinal blockages because they are hard and aren’t easily digested. The sharp points may perforate your puppy’s intestines. In addition, anything your puppy eats that isn't formulated for him may make him very sick and lead to vomiting and diarrhea.

    The answer to "Are pine cones poisonous to dogs?" is no. Both pine cones and pine needles are not poisonous to dogs, however you should not let your dog eat them. The reason for this is because pine needles can perforate the dog's stomach or bowel due to their shape. Both pine needles and pine cones can also cause an obstruction during digestion which could quickly cause your dog to become sick. If you see your dog ingesting spruce needles and cones then it would be wise to keep an eye on him and if in doubt take him to the vet to get him checked out.

    Although pine cones or needles are not poisonous, pine oil, which is produced from the tree and the needles does have an irritant effect on dogs. It may upset their stomach, but the oil is not fatal. So, the answer to this is that pine needles, pine cones and dogs do not mix. If you see him or her eat one you do not have to rush off to get your dogs stomach pumped, but it would be wise to keep them away from these items just to be on the safe side.
  5. Dalmatianchloe

    Dalmatianchloe New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sharon Townsend
    thank you for showing me this article I know not to let them have them any more even though it will be very hard as the ground is full of pinecones at the moment I think we will be sticking to road walks rather than going across the fields

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