My new rescued GSP I`ve had for 3 months now, and I`d resigned myself to the fact that he was never going to be a `worky dog` as he was really unmotivated, never picked anything up or seemed interested in exploring. In the last couple of weeks he`s made huge strides forward - which has been really encouraging. It seems he is now learning to be a `proper` dog. In the last 2 weeks he picked up a ball and brought it back Had his first swim Discovered Ratting Found the ball hidden in the bushes Played tuggy with me Recalled to the hand for the first time. I put it down to the fact that he`s learned to play (Daisy`s been teaching him!) and has discovered a whole new interest in life. And frankfurter sausage. Any further ideas in stimulating him gratefully received!
thats excellent news, Its great when they suddenly appear to realise what you are teaching them......Hope he continues to improve xxxx Must try the frankfurter sausages.....Zeita can get easily distracted......they might be more interesting to recall too lol Mel x