Using flea and tick control products Grooming

Discussion in 'Jack Russell Terrier' started by Bob Ward, Apr 26, 2020.

  1. Bob Ward

    Bob Ward New Member

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    Using flea and tick control products

    We got an Ectoparasiticide drops formula from the local pet store. No vets working during covid crisis for me to ask. Any comments on using this type treatment on a JRT?
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    You do not say which make/brand/name of the drops so I would not know how effective they are. I always used Frontline Plus Spot-on for my previous two dogs, putting the drops on the skin at the back of their necks on the 1st of every month except for December and February.

    But Tikva is has a very short coat, being a Dachshund/Minpin cross, and it was almost impossible to actually get the drops onto her skin, so I give her Bravectin, which is a chewable tablet and lasts for 12 weeks/3 months. There is also NexGuard, another tablet, and that has to be given monthly.

    Whatever you decide, please never put a Soresto anti-flea and tick collar on him.
  4. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I don't use a flea product and have never had a problem since our last cat moved in with a neighbour. My two do shed a lot though, so I have to groom a minimum of four times a week.
  5. Rubin_James

    Rubin_James New Member

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    OK now you have my attention as we just this week put a Soresto anti-flea and tick collar on our 2.5 yr old JRT at the suggestion of our vet and after finding a couple of fleas on him over the course of a few weeks. Can you please share your thoughts / experience?

  6. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Firstly I mis-typed the words Seresto and Bravecto in my previous post but did not notice it at the time.

    OK - The Seresto collar comes in a tin with a label on the back, which has instructions on it. It also, so I believe has an instruction leaflet inside. I did not see either at the time as my vet put the collar on Pereg [the girl in my avatar. I am in Israel and all labels that are in English [or any other language] must have a label in Hebrew covering all or most of the original label, and all leaflets must have a translation in Hebrew.

    The label and instructions did not have any mention of the fact that a Seresto collar must NOT be put on a seizure dog and my beloved Pereg had epilepsy. Had that label/instructions said that, my vet - [who is himself epileptic although he does not suffer from seizures now because he had brain surgery some years ago] - would never have put the collar on her.

    Pereg used to sleep on my bed and both she and I were quite ill after she started wearing the collar so I did some checking and found that even non-epileptic dogs had had seizures when wearing a Seresto collar. In addition, the Seresto packaging used to say to not let the pet sleep with you if they're wearing the collar, because of breathing in the chemicals. I cannot remember all now and tbh I do not want to go back to googling to see any warning comments because I do not want to remember Pereg as a dog with severe epilepsy - I do not want to remember those seizures. I want to remember my beloved girl as a perfectly normal dog and I want to forget having to medicate her every eight hours. But it is always there and even now I am still on seizure watch with little Tikva and the slightest strange sound or movement from her immediately makes me jump and make sure she is OK. Even at night although she does not sleep on my bed but in a crate in my bedroom, I will instantly wake and check on her.

    Anyhow I cut the collar off and contacted Bayer directly, and their vet representative in Israel got on to me, and there were discussions between Bayer, their representative here, and both my vet and myself. To cut a long story short Bayer said they would make sure that the Hebrew instructions would state that the collar should never be put on an epileptic dog [or cat] and that a Seresto collar wearing animal should never sleep on a bed with a human, especially with a child. They refunded the cost of the collar and I did not want to take any action against them.

    Pereg lost her battle with The Monster - epilepsy - on 1 April 2015 at just six years and three months old. Not because of that collar, I hasten to add, because that had been maybe a year earlier. Since then, rightly or wrongly, I have always asked people to never put a Seresto collar on their pet.

    I sincerely hope that nothing untoward happens to your little JRT and please understand that I am not saying that they are no good, nor am I saying that all dogs will have a reaction to them. What I say is just my own experience of what happened to my own dog and to myself while she was wearing one.

    I am sorry if this all seems a bit garbled but I have been trying to explain things that I have spent the last few years trying to forget. Not to forget my beloved Pereg of course, but trying to forget how she was when The Monster hit her.
  7. Rubin_James

    Rubin_James New Member

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    Appreciate your reply and so sorry for your experience. Last night I did some research on the collar and promptly cut it off our Jack, washed my hands vigorously, and threw the product in the trash. We'll be using homeopathic flea control approaches from here on out as needed. That is consistent with our conservative approach to lawn care, feed, bathing, etc.

    Thanks again.
  8. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I did not want to write it but if it resulted in you doing some research on the collar then I am glad that I did. I am sorry it was such a long response and I hope it was not too garbled. But you had asked for my thoughts and experience on the collar and it would have been difficult to explain any briefer.

    Both Pereg and Lexi before her had no problems with Frontline Plus Spot-on and I was very satisfied with the way it kept them both tick and flea free - the Seresto collar was only suggested by my vet because it lasted for eight months and did not need re-applying monthly as Frontline did. But of course he did not know at the time that he should never have put it on Pereg because there were no instructions against doing so. There are now, of course but to the best of my knowledge he does not carry the collars any more. As I said in my earlier post I cannot use Frontline on Tikva due to her very short coat, so she has a Bravecto chew every three months when she has her Parkworm shot.

    Pereg was my heart dog. Tikki Tikva, who was born six weeks after I lost Pereg and who came to me when she was just three-weeks-old, is my boss and oh does she know it!


  9. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    I used Seresto collars on my two when drops just weren't doing the trick. The collars were expensive and didn't help. I returned them both after a week or so with NO effect on the fleas.

    I then did some more research and have been using Nitenpyram/Lufenuron combo with success.

    Revolution did help BUT it's too expensive for two large dogs. I haven't found any OTC drops or collars that have much of any effect TBH.
  10. Angus and Piper

    Angus and Piper New Member

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    Use Trifexis, It covers Fleas , Heartworm, intestinal parasites, Round worm , Hook worm. Once a month tablet. If your dog has fleas give this to him 30 min later he will have no fleas
  11. Angus and Piper

    Angus and Piper New Member

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  12. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Helidale and CaroleC like this.
    If you care to read the comments in this thread regarding the Seresto collar, you would never recommend it.

    Incidentally, is it your store that you are advertising?
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2021
  13. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    Helidale likes this.
    I reported them last night too

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