Utonagon? Questions

Discussion in 'Utonagan' started by camie08, Nov 6, 2021.

  1. camie08

    camie08 New Member

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    I just adopted a dog yesterday and I was researching her physical characteristics online. I came across a picture of Loki in google images. My dog looks just like Loki, but she has black around her head and very long coat that is silver-black in color. I will try to add a photo. I will add additional photos to show how long her coat is. She is very soft and her tail is very bushy. I know this breed is not recognized, so I don’t know if I should do her dna. Any help is appreciated.

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  3. Helidale

    Helidale Member

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    Your girl has lovely bone and pigmentation and is very attractive. To me she looks more like an Alaskan Malamute, but there is always the possibility of a rescue dog carrying some different genes.
    The Utonagon is not generally accepted as being a breed, being a blend of Malamute, Husky and German Shepherd bloodlines. I'm not sure whether the breeders issue pedigrees, or have their own private register, (like the Hound packs do), but there is no KC register for them. I guess that if you had her dna tested and result showed those three breeds, you would be able to call her a Utonagon, but it would be equally interesting to see whether she has pure Arctic lines. Certainly it is worth doing a dna test -do please let us know the result.
  4. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    I agree with Helidale.

    I'll add that the more uncommon a breed is in the area, the far more unlikely the breed will be found in the mix of a local rescue.

    A DNA test is the best way to find out what she has in her.
  5. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    The Utonagan isn't a real breed and isn't recognized as one in most clubs. Also, it is mostly found in the UK. There's nearly no chance that you adopted one in California. She's probably malamute like the other user said. I got the Embark Breed + Health kit and it was very comprehensive.

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