I recently took in this abandoned pup roaming around my central Florida work site. I'm not certain of what breeds she could be made up of. Cattle ranching is a major industry in this area, so my best guess was cowdog mix. Perhaps black mouth cur and some bully breed mix? I plan on getting a DNA test for her eventually, but I am interested in what everyone thinks she may be. She was pretty under weight at the time (only 22 lbs), so I'm not sure how her body may fill out. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
She is a pretty girl, and a lovely colour. It's hard to get an idea of the age/size from the photos but the two breeds that jumped into my mind were Pit Bull and Great Dane! Really there is no way to guess, and there could well be more than two breeds involved. Yes, do a dna test, and come back to let us know the result.
Lab/staff was my first thoughts. She's lovely whatever she is. Well done for giving her a loving home x