RATS AGAIN General Chat

Discussion in 'Off Topic Chat' started by Malka, Sep 4, 2016.

  1. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Poor Nigredo - please give him a get well soon (((hug))) from me.

    My home is perfectly sanitary and safe, and although ancient is very clean. This is an agricultural Moshav and unfortunately these things get in. It is not as bad as it sounds - I am just unlucky to have been bitten twice by a rat. The mice never bit but then they are so tiny. Not that the rats were much bigger but they are evil boogers and fight like mad to get away.

    I have actually only seen five. The two that bit me before I could dead/bin them - the first being my fault for not deading it before binning it, and the one on Sunday somehow managed to get me before I had gotten in a bag to 'it it wivva nammer. Those had been caught on sticky pads. Hai in the macolet is doing a roaring trade in sticky mats! The other three were dead and in the middle of the floor, presumably from the poison Tzion put down last time. I am just keeping a close watch everywhere for dead rats.

    This is the first time rats have appeared and I have lived on the Moshav quite a few years now. Two years in the first place, three years in the second, and now 16 years in this bungalow. I have always known that everyone has mice although my neighbour swears she never did, but I have seen mouse droppings in her kitchen more than a few times, and even now she has admitted to having rats - well, she said one rat and it was trapped, but I was in her place yesterday and she showed me stuff that she had put round outside under all her windows. Unlabelled bags so I have no idea what it was, and she offered to get some for me. A bit of a useless offer as there is no way I can get to the outside of any of my windows, just the front one in my bedroom and the one in my salon, both of which Tikva can get to when she is outside.

    Oh well, it is wait and see time.
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  3. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    @Malka. Re. the side issue, I checked today's birthdays on Dogsey - nothing on there that could be Janet.
  4. Malka

    Malka Member

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    @CaroleC - she must have used a different name on there then, but she definitely used the same avatar.

    Oh well, what can we do? I am so worried about Tina who we knew had bad health - but for Janet to just disappear like she has done?

    And I am worrying about stupid rats?
  5. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Still no news about Tina or Janet. I am really worried but what can we do?

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