Does anyone own a Poodle cross Dalmatian? General Chat

Discussion in 'Dalmatian' started by Emmakay391, Jan 4, 2010.

  1. Emmakay391

    Emmakay391 New Member

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    Does anyone own a Poodle cross Dalmatian?

    Hi, Im really curious to see if anyone else owns a dally x poodle as mine is the only one ive known.
    It would be great to see what others look like and if there anything like mine in temperament.
    His 3 littermates all looked the same apart from some having smooth fur.

    This is Duke currently 11 months old. Some may have seen him on another forum. (Hes a miniature poodle cross...never got him becoz of the poodle craze by the way i just wanted a xbreed!)





    When he was younger..


    Emma x
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 4, 2010
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  3. jodublin

    jodublin New Member

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    his adorable ,i thought he would have a few spots ?
  4. Emmakay391

    Emmakay391 New Member

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    Hi, He only has spots on his white bits so all under his chin and belly. Let me find a pic..


    Ive no idea how all the genetics work when it comes to crossbreeds and colours lol
  5. mishflynn


    Likes Received:
    Very Very Cuyte indeed!!!!! Bet hes Naughty though, what with the poodle Moments & The Dally Moments! He looks a cracker!
  6. Emmakay391

    Emmakay391 New Member

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    Yeah hes hard work, very clever and bores easy.

    At the same time he is really sweet and loving too, such a great character just a pain at times lol.
  7. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    He's gorgeous, how tall is he?
  8. Emmakay391

    Emmakay391 New Member

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    Hmm well he measures about 21 inches to his shoulders.

    Hes medium size, if he walks past me i can touch his head without bending down..dont know if he'll grow anymore but hes still filling out.
  9. tazer


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    Lovely looking dog, and an interesting mix, first one I've heard of.

    If you don't mind me asking, what drew you to this specific cross.

    Also, got any more pics.:grin:
  10. Ben Mcfuzzylugs

    Ben Mcfuzzylugs

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    I have to say that is one of the best looking poodle crosses I have seen, and I am so happy that you wanted a crossbreed and dont think you have some amazing new breed :D
    He looks lovely and I am sure he will be smart and high energy so fun and games for you :D look forward to seeing more of him
  11. muttzrule

    muttzrule New Member

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    He is CUTE!
  12. hades

    hades New Member

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    Smashing chap....looking forward to more pics.
  13. scorpio

    scorpio Member

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    He is gorgeous :grin:
  14. Emmakay391

    Emmakay391 New Member

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    Thanks everyone some really nice comments.

    Well it took me about a year of looking into what breed would be right for me because i was wanting a pedigree at first. Everytime i started looking into a breed i was put off by the health problems.

    I decided i would love a dog with lots of energy as me and bf love walking and we live near woods and fields.
    Also i wanted an intelligent dog as i enjoy training and would like to try agility later.
    I narrowed it down to a dalmatian but i was really put off having white hairs all over (especially when i wear alot of black for work lol)

    I was browsing the net and came across these dally cross poodles.
    Ive never really been fond of poodles and to be honest i wasnt bothered what Duke would have looked like i just seemed to think he was right for me.

    Of course there are times when i wish i would have found a quieter kind of but i wouldnt live without him!

    Emma x
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2010
  15. kimle8

    kimle8 New Member

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    Hi! I was wondering if you had any pictures of him as a puppy?
    I am currently looking at buying a dally poo mix puppy, I'm not too sure how big this one is going to get, the person selling him says that the poodle parent is a smaller breed. I have a dalmatian right now and he is approximately 80lb big, so I'm not sure how this guy will get
  16. Kerryowner


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    Is he called a "Dallyoodle" or a "Poomation"? Just joking.
    He looks very cute.

    They did a feature on Golden Retriever x Poodles in one of the dog magazines this month and there was a beautiful grey one I loved. Think the Poodle crosses I have seen would be too high energy for me though!
    I am always getting asked if my Kerries are Poddle crosses!

    Disappointed you wrote off all pedigrees as being unhealthy however. My Kerries are 8 and 9 and very fit, healthy and happy dogs. Their breeder gets dogs in from other countries to extend the gene pool and breeds for temperament. A lot of the Poodle crosses are people just wanting a few fast bucks and not doing any of the health tests so you could still get health problems even though it is a cross-breed. I know someone who got a Labradoodle as she used to have Irish Wolfhounds but didn't want anymore because of the hip problems. She then bought a Labaradoodle but the parents hadn't been hip or elbow scored!
  17. liverbird

    liverbird New Member

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    He's gorgeous :007:
    I was looking at the Shep-a-doodles a couple of weeks ago and they look gorgeous too. however I have 2 German Sheps and 1 Shepland/Newshep :lol:
    i was wondering tho. poodles don't shed hair but Dalmations do! does Duke moult :?:
  18. moetmum

    moetmum New Member

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    He is a gorgeous dog, i am very fond of poodles.

    It does concern me though that anyone looking for any of these crosses don't seem to think that there might be health issues. You should be researching any health issues in both of the parents breeds and only buying where the parents have had the relevant checks. No different to if you were buying a purebred.

    Crossbred does not always equal healthy dog.
  19. Emmakay391

    Emmakay391 New Member

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    Hi sorry i have not replied to the last few comments i did not realise anyone else had posted!

    I maybe didnt explain myself well when i said the health problems put me off pedigrees. I did not mean all pedigrees were unhealthy.
    I was unsure what dog i wanted and have always had mongrels so the pedigree thing was very new to me.

    I researched the few breeds i liked and some i wrote off because i felt they would not be suited to me, so the dally because i did not want the white hairs everywhere and the husky obv needing a well experienced owner.

    I looked at weimaraners and wasnt sure if they would be too big or energetic but i started reading lots of horror stories about them being prone to bloat and this scared me away.
    I tried finding a small breed i liked but only really liked the sausage dog and then read of problems with their backs.

    So it wasnt a clear decision to write of pedigrees and go for a crossbreed simply because of health, i was trying to get the right dog for me probably being a bit unsure on what the right dog was.

    I was planning on whatever dog i got to buy from a good breeder and with health tested parents....i ended up impulse buying which im not proud of but im happy i have Duke and he was the right choice for me.

    For the question of if Duke moults.. YES! i wouldnt say it is really bad like being covered in hair when you stroke him but they are scattered around the house which i expected.

    Hes 13 months pretty sure he wont get any taller but hes still putting on weight. He weights 22.6kg which is around 3 and a half stone i think. Hes around the same size as a small female dally. I will say he is very strong though.

    Puppy pic as requested.. Duke around 16 weeks

    Duke now (although i have given him a hair cut)

    Emma x
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 18, 2010
  20. Velvetboxers

    Velvetboxers New Member

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    Hes beautiful. Used to work with a girl wh had a lab x dally. He was like a slim tall black lab with a white spot on his chest. V athletic dog. Goodluck with your boy
  21. stephieadam

    stephieadam New Member

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    i have a dally poodle cross she's 8months old now,
    her name's Daisy and she looks pretty much exactly like Duke!!!!
    she's amazingly intelligent, so sweet and loves her cuddles :) where did you get duke from? ive never known anyone else to have the same cross breed. xxxx

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