Scotland terriers.....does anyone else have one? General Chat

Discussion in 'Scottish Terrier' started by kiara/josie, Apr 22, 2012.

  1. kiara/josie

    kiara/josie New Member

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    Scotland terriers.....does anyone else have one?

    I have a 19 week old Scoland (Scotty cros Westie ) terrier called Kiara, she is very cute and extremely cheeky!! Recently she has stopped coming when she is called which makes walking her off the lead a bit of a risk. Could she be entering the adolescent phase already!!? She hasn't been to training classes but will sit, lie down and retrieve a toy on command in an environment without distraction for a reward. Is it worth taking her to puppy training? What else would she learn there apart from to heal? Do they teach strategies to help owners through the adolescent phase? Does anyone else on here own a Scoland? If so what should i expect during the adolescent phase!!?
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  3. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    Welcome ...
    I did think you had left out the T in your thread title :blush:
  4. kiara/josie

    kiara/josie New Member

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    Ha! Any advise?
  5. GSDlover4ever

    GSDlover4ever New Member

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    What age is your dog?

    Personally I would keep your dog on a long line when out, rather than letting her off the leash.
    When she is at a distance I would shout her back, reeling in the long line and encouraging her back with her favorite toy, whilst saying a command such as her name and "come".
    Make sure it is a fun game to her, that whenever she comes back to you she gets some goodies.

    Sometimes all I have to do is shake/hold the leash and the terriers come running, because they know they will get a treat or toy for coming back to me.

    I have two westies and I take them to training classes for Ob and agility... They love to please me and have great re-calls.
  6. Westie_N

    Westie_N New Member

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    A crossbreed then - no such thing as a Scoland Terrier, afterall, and you might find you sound a bit silly going about saying that's what you have.

    Yes, if I were you, I'd find reputable training classes who use positive methods.

    She's only 19 weeks old - a reliable recall won't happen at this stage unless they are a wonder dog! So don't worry. And she's a terrier so she will probably be very stubborn!

    I would keep her on a long line with a large knot tied in the end so as, if you need to stand on it if she attempts to run off, it won't slide under your foot. Note that this should ONLY be used when she has a comfortable harness on, less chance of damaging her.

    Even if you just use a normal, flat leat...drop it at times when out and just call her back.

    Keep tasty treats to hand (cooked chicken, turkey, etc), squeaky toys etc - call her regularly and reward and praise with a really happy sound of voice, even fuss her as well, then let her go again. Repeat every day. Always end on a positive note and try not to let her get bored - when she's bored, she likely won't be learning anything. Short blasts of training are better than longer ones, especially at that age.

    NEVER punish for not returning, that'll make her less likely to want to come back to you.

    These are just my thoughts. Hope they help.

    Good luck!
  7. kiara/josie

    kiara/josie New Member

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    Ok thanks for the tips! Does anyone know of any reasonably priced puppy classes in the Tonbridge area?
    Also when does the "adolescent" phase begin and what behaviour changes should i expect from a scotty cross westie or Scoland terrier? (sorry couldn't resist :) )
  8. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I cannot help you regarding puppy classes, but as to when the "adolescent" phase begins - it will probably be before you expect it and well before you are ready for it!

    [It also sometimes lasts forever...]
  9. leaky5

    leaky5 New Member

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    I don't feel silly calling my one a Scoland, I think it is a recognised name in the US for Westie / Scottie crosses. I have also heard them called Westscots. But you do have to explain to most people what they are crossed with.

    You could probably say the same for most cross breeds in this section.
    Do people say they have a labrador / poodle cross, no they say it is a labradoodle and most people know what they are talking about.
  10. PB&J

    PB&J New Member

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    On this forum many will go to great pains to call them lab/poodle crosses. Can't have these mutts getting too uppity with their made up names, you know ;-)
    For what it's worth I don't see why you shouldn't call your dog what you like :)
  11. JoedeeUK

    JoedeeUK Member

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    Unlike previous advice I allow my puppies off lead in a safe area from a very early age & teach a "happy"recall, which is simply calling the puppy back to you, touching the collar & rewarding with a high value treat. This lays down the basis of a strong recall, even with terriers or cross terriers.

    Even when they do hit one of the 2 "Kevin" periods that recall will survive.

    Use a long line for not so safe areas by all means, but the recall training off lead in a safe area should continue at the same time
  12. Illy

    Illy New Member

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    Hi -

    Yup, the westie x scottie is recognized as the Scoland :)
    I am interested in your concerns, because I am picking up my 12 week old female on Saturday ...can hardly wait!

  13. kiara/josie

    kiara/josie New Member

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    Ahhh! You will love her! Kia is now coming up for 10 months old!!
    I have since found this breed are notoriously difficult to train due to their stuborn streak, and also because they are so easily distracted!
    Kia is getting better with her recall now apart from when other dogs are around, then she is much more interested in them! She has been through her first "season" recently and turned into a hyper horny asbo hound for about a week :005: ....we are getting her spayed shortly!
    We did go to basic puppy training in the end which got her used to being around other dogs but not being able to play which seemed to calm her down alot. Now we can take her to the pub or a cafe and she will just sit or lay calmly and wait.
    She has a lovely temperament in general. She gets very excited by and likes to greet all humans and other dogs. She just loves to play.....never seems to tire of it. She is inquisitive and adventurous. Loves to swim and climb and frequently jumps up on walls so she can have a nose and see whats behind them.
    You will find this breed have lots of character....Kia always makes us laugh. She is quite bright and always trying to trick us by pretending she is chewing a toy or just relaxing by something she knows she is not allowed to chew, as soon as we are not looking she then attempts to chew the thing ie the carpet she knows shes not allowed to!
    Only thing thats been a problem so far health wise is her skin. It becomes very flaky and itchy and she chews it until its red and sometimes scabby. We are attempting to try flaxseed oil and an anti itch spray, and are putting her on a lower protein diet at the moment. The itching now seems to have died down a bit. Your Scoland however could be fine, as we recently met another one on a beach and his owner said he has no problems in that respect!
    Anyway good luck.....let me know how you get on!!

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