Uknown bumps/sores Health

Discussion in 'German Shorthaired Pointer' started by GTMichael, Jun 6, 2019.

  1. GTMichael

    GTMichael New Member

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    Uknown bumps/sores

    Heyy everyone so we have a 2 year old pup named Remi. About a month ago these little tiny lumps about the size of a small eraser head started appearing around her neck area. They would be present for about a day or two then they would disappear. After about two weeks they started to appear reddish and then they would open, discharge then disappear again. After they started opening up we took her to her vet and they vet said it was most likely oil building up and the hair folical and that it was nothing to worry about. She gave us medicated shampoo (BENZOYL PEROXIDE) to wash her every two weeks. After two washes it appears to not solve the problem whatsoever and looks like its giving her dry skin. The bumps dont seem to bother her and she hasnt been acting abnormal. The bumps are starting to appear is greater numbers and slightly more often. I tried to do some of my own research and the best/closest symptoms I could find is wring worm? ANY information helps. Thanks!

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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    If by "wring worm" you mean ringworm, those bumps are not ringworm, which is caused by a fungus and shows up as round bald patches, not bumps that discharge. Ringworm is highly contagious and can be passed to humans.

    Did your vet do a skin scrape and pluck some hairs to test what the problem is?
  4. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Does she scratch or rub her neck or ears? This sounds as if it might be pyoderma, and you will need to go back to your vet. Pyoderma is a bacterial infection, and will probably need to be treated with a specific antibiotic.
  5. GTMichael

    GTMichael New Member

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    Yes I meant ringworm. And I understand it is contagious and can be passed to humans, after researching several sources say theyre are many types of ringworm and certain strains are not contagious and do not always show up as bald patches, but sometimes red sores. The vet did not scrape, she said they would need a full biopsy which would include cutting down into the sore and removing a large chunk. She said that was the last option.

    Thanks Carole, no she does not rub or scratch her neck or ears. Its like she has no idea they are there, and isnt bothered if we look at them. But I looked up pyoderma and the signs and symptoms seems to fit, except that shes not bothered by them. It looks like the medicated shampoo the vet gave us is suppose to treat pyoderma folliculitis. So we will keep trying this. Thanks for the help
  6. Malka

    Malka Member

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    If your vet wants to do a full biopsy without first having done a skin scrape, I would find a different vet. One that checks the obvious first before wanting to do a full biopsy which, of course, is far more expensive than a simple skin scrape.

    And a full biopsy does not involve "cutting down into the sore and removing a large chunk".

    There is really only one form of ringworm in animals. Whatever Google says.
  7. GTMichael

    GTMichael New Member

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    Well arent you just pleasant.
  8. Malka

    Malka Member

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    No, I was being honest and it was your "research" that came up with ringworm. Just putting "ringworm" into Google will come up with
    which has nothing to do with ringworm in dogs or cats. The only common factor is that they are all fungal infections.

    My cat had ringworm, caught from when she used to go and visit the cow byres at the back of where I was living. She had it on her paws and when she licked them to wash her face, she had it on her face. And she gave it to me, on my arm. Easily and quickly treated for both of us by a topical antifungal cream.

    Your dog does not have ringworm and a simple skin scrape should diagnose the problem. Not a biopsy removing "a large chunk".
  9. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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  10. GTMichael

    GTMichael New Member

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