More Rough Collie Questions Questions

Discussion in 'Collie (Rough)' started by Tammy Leavy, Jan 15, 2020.

  1. Tammy Leavy

    Tammy Leavy New Member

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    Tammy Leavy

    More Rough Collie Questions


    I have several other questions for all you Rough Collie owners out there. Our Collie Pup is 16 weeks and since we got her at 8 weeks she yips a lot. We keep her confined to the kitchen when we are not at home or when we can't watch her completely (she has been chewing the dining chairs). She yips out of the blue for no apparent reason. She is never alone and always has the company of our older dog and our cat. Are Rough Collies just inherent yippers? We take her for long walks 2x's a day and play with her with toys quite often. I hope you all don't mind all of the questions but we are new to the Collie world. I can read things on the internet but I really prefer true life experience. Thank you so much.
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Of course we do not mind questions Tammy and usually there is someone who can answer them and/or give advice, whatever the breed, as some things are common to all dogs.

    One thing - you say you take her for long walks but she is still a baby and should not have long walks on hard surfaces while her bones are still growing. A good rule of thumb is about five minutes per month of age. Running around on grass or playing in your back yard is OK for unlimited exercise.

    Regarding the yipping - is it while you are around or is it just when she is in the kitchen with your other dog and your cat? Do you think she is trying to get your attention about something?
  4. Tammy Leavy

    Tammy Leavy New Member

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    Tammy Leavy
    Thank you again. So much to learn. We take her for about a 10 minute walk in the afternoon, and a 25 minute walk in the evening before bed. Other times she plays in the backyard with our other dog. The yipping is usually when she is in the kitchen but she has also done it when she is with us. Maybe you are right she is just looking for our attention. It has been 15 years since we have had a puppy but I don't remember our Scotty being naughty. I know they are all different but our Collie girl has been a challenge especially when it comes to training. Persistence and Patience.
  5. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I know what it is like, getting a puppy after many years, and it must be even more difficult for you as having an older dog who has grown out of the puppy stage, it must seem as if you have never had a puppy before. I do not think your girl is being naughty - she is just being a puppy who has to learn what she can and cannot do, just as a child would.

    When she yips when she is with you, watch her body language, the angle of her head, the expression on her face and in her eyes, and you should be able to learn how to understand what she is saying by her yips. Even the difference in tone of them, as slight as it may be, because she is probably trying to tell you something, or ask for something when she vocalises.

    And yes, Patience, Perseverance and Repetition, Repetition, Repetition.
  6. Tammy Leavy

    Tammy Leavy New Member

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    Tammy Leavy

    Thank you so much again. I will keep you posted as her training progresses.

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