How is everyone in the current situation? General Chat

Discussion in 'Off Topic Chat' started by Malka, Mar 12, 2020.

  1. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Good for you Marc. How are you feeling now - and have you finished your demolition work yet?
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  3. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    @who owns who I'm in Northern California and your age. On Friday, I was able to get an appointment for Saturday. The clinic was so well run that it took less than 2 minutes from walking in the door to getting the shot. 15 minutes waiting and I was out the door with my appointment for the second dose scheduled. I was impressed.
  4. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    I had a hard time finding a place that had appointments. Every website said they didn’t have any appointments. Same with all the numbers I was calling. I got frustrated (understatement) and called the county health department. They transferred me to the county C-19 helpline. They gave me a number for dignity health (who is not my provider) and I was able to schedule an appointment no problem, as a few of my friends have now too after I gave them the number. This number I used was not coming up in my internet searches. I had registered on the myturn website but it told me no appointments available currently in my area. I live in the Santa Cruz mountains
  5. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    Demolition is done. Waiting on dumpster delivery to put the building into. Have a few trees to take down before I rebuild. Have to take down some fencing before I do that. One tree is bigger than anything I’ve dropped before but I will have a friend come over when I do it.

    I haven’t had another reoccurrence of concussion symptoms. I have gotten back up to 5+ hours a day, split by lunch, and I take a break as well.

    Still waiting on my new prescription sunglasses. Looking forward to getting them. Should be by the end of the week
  6. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    From what I saw with myturn is that most places were set up as one-at-a-time. So they could only take one person every 10 minutes. I went to a UC Davis clinic set up at a community center. They had about 100 stations set up and running.

    I picked up an Rx at Walgreens later and they had about 5 people backed up waiting for the shot and another 6 or so waiting to check in. I was there about 10 minutes and no one had been given their shot.

    I had the pfizer vaccine. They inject it into the arm muscle. My muscle was sore for a couple days - couldn't sleep on that side. Didn't help that Tornado-dog kept poking it with his nose and feet.
  7. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I am glad to hear you are recovering well now Marc - but please be careful with the tree felling, and yes, I am nagging you again!
  8. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    haha on the nagging. When you do that I know you care so it’s ok. I’m pretty good with a chainsaw and know what I can and can’t do. I have learned a lot over the years by watching those with more experience than me. When I’ve had to have someone cut a tree down for me I always watch them and talked to them about it. I used to have a neighbor that was very skilled and had all sorts of rigging, cables and blocks (pulleys) , snatch blocks, chokers, etc. I watched him and helped him set up rigging on my property many times, to pull a tree where I wanted it to come down, instead of where it naturally wanted to go. Sometimes he’d come over and instead of cutting a tree for me, that didn’t need to be cabled, he’d walk around it with me and show me why it wanted to go a certain way and what I could do to make it go where I wanted. Valuable free lessons. Well he passed away in the last 9 months. When he sold his property I let him store a bunch of his stuff here. He had no family so I guess I’ve now inherited all the stuff he left here, including a bunch of his rigging. I kept the story as short as I possibly could.
  9. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    I wonder which arm I should get the shot in. I sleep on my right side more than my left side, so I guess my left arm would be a good spot. I have a friend who wore shorts and asked for the shot in his thigh. Maybe I’ll do that.. Oh these are such good problems to have, oh where should I get the shot... lol. A year ago this was only a tiny possibility that there would be a vaccine this fast. I’ll gladly have a sore muscle for a few days, please
  10. Malka

    Malka Member

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    When I stop nagging you is when you should start worrying!
    The norm is that if you are right-handed they give the shot in your left arm. If you are left-handed they give the shot in your right arm. I have never heard of the Covid vaccine being given in the thigh or tuchus, so good luck if you ask for it there!
  11. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    They asked me in which arm I wanted the shot. I chose the left arm because I had already begun my "selective clenching".

    I have overly sensitive nerve endings and shots actually hurt me - not just a prick as it goes in, but actual pain the entire time it's in my skin. So I tend to clench up. I have to do a bit of focusing to clench the opposite hand and leave the shot arm unclenched.

    @who owns who Do you show your akitas?
  12. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    @Toedtoes, I do not show my dogs, they are just my pals. I did get them from a show breeder and they definitely turn heads when I take them places. I thought about showing for about 2 seconds. I couldn’t show Bandit because he was neutered. I did however consider breeding but two things made me realize I should leave that to others. 1) I would have felt horrible if something had happened to Katie Mae while pregnant or giving birth and 2) I am not set up to be able to take a dog back if things didn’t work out at a pups new home. Akita’s aren’t like a lot of other dogs, and to bring a dog back into the house while finding it a new home could be very problematic.

    As it is, my dogs have food aggression (very common with Akita’s), and are fed in separate rooms, with a baby gate between them. Afterwards they need a dental chew to get over the aggression. There are occasionally tense moments although they play together very well. Katie Mae can be very jealous and she gets into it with Bandit periodically, just goes at him. Usually he just kinda lets her do it, and is like, you can’t hurt me, but occasionally he gets pushed to far and let’s her know it. They can be having attitude with each other and be playing 10 minutes later.
  13. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    I got most of the building debris into a dumpster the last few days. A couple smaller dump runs in my pickup and all will be cleaned up.

    I’m probably having someone cut the trees for me. I’ve gotten one bid so far and today a neighbor recommended someone else. I’ll call him in the morning.

    I got my sunglasses a week and a half ago, and was very unhappy with how they fit, which was not how they fit when I picked out the frames. The lenses flattened out the wraparounds and my eyelashes hit the lenses and light was able to get in the sides and the earpieces were spread out by the curve being flattened out. When I picked them up I was told that my prescription lenses didn’t flex the same way as the ones in when I tried them on. I went back a week later and talked to the person who has helped me with my glasses recently, and she said same thing. They had no other frames there that I wanted. She told me I could find frames elsewhere and they’d have new lenses made for them and refund what I’d spent on there frames, but they wouldn’t refund the whole cost. Well I did some research online and called an online retailer the next day and was told they could absolutely make me curved lenses for the exact frames I had and it wouldn’t change the shape of the frames. Well I called my glass shop with this info in my pocket and got lucky with who answered the phone. He pulled up my file and asked me to come in. He looked at the glasses and said they did a poor job on the lenses and he’d send them back and that they should fit just as they did when I picked out those frames. I will wait for an apology from the person who gave me bad info (I don’t expect to get one). If I hadn’t educated myself I’d have been stuck with a very expensive pair of sunglasses I didn’t like. Probably 2 weeks until I get them back. I will have a few words with the manager when I pick them back up. Sorry for long explanation.
  14. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    So at this point I guess I have what’s called post concussion syndrome. I still have to limit the hours a day I work, but I am able to do physical work. I get at least two headaches a week (before concussion I almost never got headaches). It was hot yesterday and that brought on symptoms of lightheadedness, as well as a headache. Last night I was chasing Katie Mae around the yard and I got woozy. As well if I’m working doing something that requires me to go up and down, with my head at or below the level of my heart, that brings on symptoms. Last week at PT they had me do some exercises that put me in a prone position while exerting myself. Some things on an exercise ball, and she had me do planks, which I’d never done. I like how they are able to give me exercises that target very specific things. Not all Physical Therapists with with concussion recovery, apparently it’s a specialty.
  15. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    My dad showed his. He was well known in the Northern California circuit as he made and sold show leads.

    The breeder my dad got his first akita from told my mom to never let him have a female akita. She said they were more dog aggressive and had a much stronger prey drive. The boys are usually just big goofy goobs.

    His last akita was 3 yrs when I got Moose-dog (he was 8 weeks). I really wanted them to be OK together, so I brought Moose-dog to meet the akita right away. They seemed to be OK together, but when I had to leave for an appointment, my dad had me put Moose-dog in a crate.

    When I returned, the crate was wide open and the puppy gone. My dad pointed him out to me. The akita was laying behind my dad's desk. The puppy was stading in front of the akita with his entire head in the akita's mouth. Moose-dog LOVED his Uncle Akita. They were the best of friends for years and Moose-dog always deferred to the akita regardless of where they were. Moose-dog was never dominant with him - but he could be with other male dogs.

    The best was that my dad couldn't ever say anything mean about Moose-dog. He was notorious for disliking my dogs simply because they were mine. But Moose-dog loved his dog so Moose-dog had to be a good dog. ;)
  16. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    I get cheap Rx glasses from zenni. I tried them out after I lost or broke my expensive ones. I've been really happy with them. I now have about 15 pairs - progressive lens, progressive lens sunglasses, distance lens, distance lens sunglasses, and a couple mid-range progressives for restaurants and tv watching.

    I feel for you with the headaches. I'm waiting to get my neck electrocuted again - I've had a headache for 3 days straight now. Before I got my first electrocution, I had a headache for almost 3 weeks straight. I'd go to sleep with a headache and wake up with a headache. It's arthritis in the neck and an overactive nerve. The pain doctor shoots a mild radio frequency electric charge to temporarily deaded the nerve. When I was working it lasted about 6 months. Now that I'm retired it lasts a year.

    Sounds like you have a great PT. They are worth their weight in gold. Hopefully the after effects of the concussion will start easing off.
  17. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    From a quick look it doesn’t appear that Zenni will make Rx wraparound progressive sunglasses. I’m light sensitive so want that full protection but still want the full progressive lenses. I may order some tv glasses once I finish my new cabin and know the distance to the tv, and perhaps some progressive, transition work glasses that I’m not so concerned if they get scratched.
  18. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    Yeah, I don't think they do the wraparound.

    I don't wear my glasses for close-up work. The close-up portion of the glasses are basically plain glass. I started wearing progressives at 18 because my eyes would take up to a minute to change focus from close-up to distance and visa versa. Now, they let me see close-up while wearing glasses - I can no longer see close-up through the distance lens. Because of all that, I bought several single vision clear and tinted glasses to keep in the vehicles. That way I always have an extra pair on hand for driving.

    I started buying these cheap extras after I broke my Rx sunglasses and lost my clear within a few days of each other. I need them to drive. I got a new pair ordered, but it was 3 weeks to get them and I was still working. I found a pair of old still sealed single vision contacts and put them in. But I couldn't see close-up with them in. So I wore only one lens. But that gave me headaches. So I went searching again and found a pair of progressives from over 10 years past. They worked well enough for the wait. Now I have enough to be safe.
  19. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Good - you know how much I worry about you doing too much!
    That is a load of rubbish. Apart from anything else, no decent optician would sell you a pair of spectacles with prescription lenses of any type, if the lenses would not fit properly into the chosen frame. The fact that they did not mention anything when you chose the frames, then had lenses made that did not fit the frame as chosen, is wrong and totally unprofessional on their part.

    My prescription sunglasses are wraparound and the lenses curve perfectly to fit them. They were not my first choice of frames but I was advised that my prescription lenses could not be made to fit into that particular frame correctly, therefore I chose another pair - which are perfect.

    But then I do have a very good optician!

    Big hugs for Bandit and Katie Mae from me please.
  20. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    Well I obviously over did it the last few days as I’m now really dragging and foggy brained. I just want to be able to work without ending up feeling like crap. Brain injuries are so strange, one day feel fine, next day all I can do is recline in the lazy boy
  21. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    Another day of having to rest. Argh. I’m getting tired of this. I really wish someone could tell me how long this will continue, but there is no answer. I had been feeling pretty well. Now I’m irritable, dizzy/lightheaded, more light sensitive, balance is off, my feet feel clumsy, my right foot more so, some headaches. It’s so frustrating. It’s been almost 4 months. Can I have some cheese with my whine please.

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