Going to be 12wks Old Tomorrow! Photos

Discussion in 'Poodle (Standard)' started by BlckStdServicePoodle, Apr 9, 2021.

  1. BlckStdServicePoodle

    BlckStdServicePoodle New Member

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    Going to be 12wks Old Tomorrow!

    Marlowe1dayShortOf12wks.JPG I can't believe we've already had Marlowe for nearly a month, but we have, and he's doubled his food intake, and his size has increased by a third (if his weight hasn't by too terribly much).
    As you can see by the picture, he already knows "Sit". :) He knows a few other basic puppy things too but I don't want to brag. He's only little, after all.
    Just wait until he's really something to brag about; I'll likely be uploading vids to YouTube or something.
    There's just not enough REAL help out there for THE DEAF, in how to train a Hearing Dog.
    View attachment 7490 The promised photo (flash worked this time, haha):
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Marlowe is lovely! And if he sits when told then he is a heck of a lot better than my coming-up-for-six-years-old mini monster! Oh she knows it of course, but she also knows how to ignore it, and only obeys "sit" when she stands on her hind legs and tries to get her nose in her food bowl before I put it down, and I refuse to until she sits!

    Is there no organisation for the deaf that can give you advice about training Marlowe to be a help to you? I am in the wrong country to know of such an organisation - maybe if @Chris sees this she will be able to help.

    In the meantime, please give Marlow a cuddle from me!
  4. BlckStdServicePoodle

    BlckStdServicePoodle New Member

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    Lol well I probably have a lot more time on my hands than you, just guessing obviously. He is a clever one though. :049:
    Oh and there are all manner of groups all over the Planet that offer to "help" but they don't, not really. Besides, I think that we'll be fine. :)
    He knows his name, "Marlowe", the one that The Hearing use, for when my Wife or the Groomer or the Vet needs his attention...
    AND he knows his name, the one that only I use when calling him or getting his attention (I keep two fingernails JUST long enough on one hand so that I can click them together a few times - he caught onto that fairly quickly actually).
    Oh and I've decided to give him a middle name.
    It's Czech; it means "Blood" alone but in a sentence, "You are making me bleed". LOL
    (He still plays a bit roughly. Only with me, though, the Wife doesn't tolerate it and he also caught onto that very quickly haha!)
    Anyway so I guess I need to update his papers. :mrgreen:
  5. Queensland blue

    Queensland blue Member

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    I don’t know specifically for dogs for the deaf , however I have spoken to someone who trains the blind and service dogs up here , and was invited to go out and see how they train them , which I did not go and do (yet) . As I have wanted to train ptsd dogs , (again it didn’t eventuate . )

    he told me they use clickers , when the dog succeeds they click it, which lets the dog know it is doing good . So when you said about clicking your nails , I think your onto something .

    You can start really young , so it sounds like you are doing just that which is great .

    I like to train my dogs with hand signals along with their commands ,
    Like where is it ? Palms up out to the side ,
    And look where I am pointing and all that stuff , reading each other’s face expressions actually .

    I don’t know though I suspect with hearing this would be beneficial to you both for sure .
  6. BlckStdServicePoodle

    BlckStdServicePoodle New Member

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  7. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Umm, you guessed wrong! I am a bone idle, lazy, do nothing, layabout, and have all the time in the world. I just have never felt the necessity to teach any dog I have had over the past 25 or so years more than what is necessary for me to fit into their lives, and they to fit into mine.

    OK, so Tikva can be a stubborn little dog at times, but she does do all that I ask of her and all that I need. And I love her just as she is - an independent and happy little wubble!
  8. BlckStdServicePoodle

    BlckStdServicePoodle New Member

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    CaroleC likes this.
    Interesting. Well, can't say I was ever much good with guessing I suppose ;).
    I am glad that Marlowe isn't stubborn, I'd never OWNED a stubborn Poodle; they'd always been so eager to please. Lucky me?

    I know that I'm definitely lucky with Marlowe. I had an episode today, and when I came back, there he was, seated, pressed against me as though he was born to do it. He saw me open my eyes and began licking my face like mad. I am SO PROUD. :049:
    PERFECT Seizure Dog behavior. He's a natural, haha!

    Another week or so, after he's groomed, I might get him his first harness/vest just to start getting him acclimated to wearing the thing. His final one will be black but I think his first one should be day-glo orange for the "IN TRAINING" to show very clearly. Hopefully someone will want it after he outgrows it, which, if his current growth rate is any indication... SHAN'T BE LONG. lol
  9. Chris

    Chris Member

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    Unfortunately, I can't be much help as in the UK we have (I think it's called) Dogaid where trainers can visit to show you how to train for specific needs, but not much use to you.

    Hearing dogs here are mostly given by the charity 'Hearing Dogs for the Deaf'. I do wonder if you contact them though, if they can maybe give pointers. All their training is clicker based.

    Most of the tasks you need though are pretty basic and you should be able to find them on the net if you search for them.
  10. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Marlowe sounds as if he is going to be a natural for you in all respects, and I am so pleased for both you and him! I had better explain about Tikva - she is not really stubborn and she is definitely not spoiled. But she has been with me 24/7 since she was just three-weeks old and she probably does not realise that she is a dog! She is also very lively, which is something her predecessor was not - I think that the high doses of Phenobarbitone she was on probably made her a bit more subdued than she would not have been without them. Tikva still acts like a puppy at times.

    She is a Dachshund/Minpin cross, and the stubbornness that she does have, and she is only a little bit stubborn at times, is probably from the Dachshund side - she definitely has far more traits of that breed than the Minpin side.

    I am also not all that young, and am a permanent chair user - which is why as long as Tikva, and the two before her, knew to get out of my way when they heard me switch my chair on - "move" being the additional word used, and "mind" if I was moving around my home on my crutches - knowing not to get in my way or trip me up - really that was all I needed from them. No "give me your paw", or "lay down/get up" or any tricks, as they were not necessary. Just to be my companion as I live alone - and basically to give me a reason to get up in the morning.

    This last year has been as difficult for Tikki as it has been for me, as I have not left my home for over 13 months now, so it has been even more solitary than it was before the pandemic.
  11. BlckStdServicePoodle

    BlckStdServicePoodle New Member

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    I'm not really sure why people seem to think I need help; I did say earlier in the thread that I want to (possibly) make videos to help others who are deaf, because there isn't enough help out there for deaf people, only for hearing people to train Dogs FOR deaf people... but maybe I just didn't type it clearly.
    English IS extremely difficult, after all. I've been told that I will NEVER meet anyone who is it's Master.
    I know what it is that we'll be doing, and I strongly feel that we'll be fine. The only problem with making vids will be working out a way to keep my wretched face out of the shots whilst illustrating the training. :confused:
    I do, however, sincerely appreciate the trouble you took in posting. Thank you! :)
  12. BlckStdServicePoodle

    BlckStdServicePoodle New Member

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    Ah. I understand, now. I'm still at the 'walking stick' phase of my life, and did not know that we posted about other breeds in the Standard Poodle forum... THAT is what confused me. Thank you for the elucidation. I'm completely 'homebound', trapped as it were on this estate without escort and I absolutely hate it. Having to be driven or accompanied as though I require a bodyguard or somesuch is positively humiliating. Marlowe will help with that HUGELY. :):049:
  13. Queensland blue

    Queensland blue Member

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    Yep I thought you liked help too , because you mentioned not finding much information out there for it , then saying you’ll be fine in reply , made me think you didn’t want help anyway .

    so although people may seem to be trying to help you when you don’t want any , it’s just a discussion anyway where people are interested in the how to , and sharing their own experiences .
  14. Chris

    Chris Member

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    Sorry, I obviously misread.
  15. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Hello again DG :)

    Breedia is like an international dog park, as even though it is UK based there are members from all over the world. We have all sorts of dogs - different breeds/cross breeds/mutts, and we all meet up at Breedia. Some people pop in for a while and then move away. And some of us are regular and pop in all the time.

    And although I have never been to a dog park I imagine that just as what happens at one, so it happens on Breedia, that we talk about our own dogs/breeds and we talk about other peoples' dogs/breeds. No rules that only people with a dogs of a specific breed must stick with others who have the same breed at a dog park, and the same goes with Breedia. So you will find yourself talking "dog" with all of us, whatever breed our dog is. Or even if we don't yet have a dog, or had a dog but no longer do.

    There are breed forums for different breeds, like this one, the Standard Poodle forum, There are also forums for different types, included in which is one for Crossbreeds, which Tikva is, and one for Mongrels, which my previous two were. There is forum for General Dog Chat and one for Off Topic Chat. And anyone and everyone is welcome to post on any forum - which is why you are getting responses from people who do not own a Standard Poodle!

    I think that probably most of us check New Posts when we log on, so we see what is happening - if we only checked our own breed section then we would miss everything else.

    I can quite understand how you feel about having to be driven or accompanied everywhere, although I used to be able to get out with first my manual chair and then my little foldeable scooter, as both fitted into the boot of a taxi, but more than a few times before I got my little scooter and was in my chair, people would look over my shoulder to see who was "in charge" of me. One time, in fact, when I went to a taxi rank so I could come home [I live on a small Moshav outside of town] the guy not only looked over my shoulder but very loudly asked "where is your carer, your pusher?"

    OK, I am actually typing this as a draft in the hope that I will be able to copy and paste it on Breedia before Firefox crashes again, and look forward to hearing what else Marlowe is up to! :)
  16. Chris

    Chris Member

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    Wear a mask. sunglasses and baseball cap and no one will know it's you :)
  17. BlckStdServicePoodle

    BlckStdServicePoodle New Member

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    No, not at all. As was noted above by QB, it was my bad English. I appreciate your trouble as I said! Truly! :)
  18. BlckStdServicePoodle

    BlckStdServicePoodle New Member

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    LOL I am thinking I'll just keep the camera on the tripod at Dog Level, but that is an hilarious suggestion, thanks for the laugh! It's not for disguise so much as to simply spare innocents the shock/distraction (and to keep from startling the horses as always). Haha
  19. BlckStdServicePoodle

    BlckStdServicePoodle New Member

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    I see... so ARE there any Standard Poodle owners here?
  20. BlckStdServicePoodle

    BlckStdServicePoodle New Member

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    I just realized you posted 'baseball cap'... do people really still wear those? Wow I truly NEED to get out, more.
    I wear a leather Coachman's hat.
  21. Chris

    Chris Member

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    Donald Trump seems to :)

    There are quite a lot of Standard Poodle owners here, but far more of the toy variety. A groomer in my town has two of them and has named her salon the Pink Poodle and she often dyes her dogs that colour too

    I've helped train a couple in my time. Lovely dogs, but can be stubborn as mules if they don't see the point in what they are doing :)

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