I think... General Chat

Discussion in 'Off Topic Chat' started by Malka, Sep 1, 2014.

  1. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I think...

    ...that my Health Fund is going to pay my hospital bill from the bad falls I had in June. Had I turned up at the ER with a letter from my GP or had I been admitted and kept in for 24 hours the hospital [it is a Government hospital, not a Health Fund one] would have charged my Health Fund.

    But I did not so I was eventually sent a humungous bill. I am unable to deal with the authorities on the telephone due to being deaf and not hearing Ivrit clearly enough on the telephone, so my neighbour has taken over sorting it.

    She took the bill plus all the hospital notes about the accident and what treatment I had had to the little clinic here this afternoon when our GP was here - not that Olga knew anything about it as I keep as far away from the clinic as possible, and all it needs is a form #18 from Olga [which my neighbour will have to collect tomorrow [or whenever] as Orli, our nurse, was not back from holiday by today, and the form sent off to the hospital.

    Apparently the hospital actually wrote down "this patient fell over her dog, twice, while the dog was having epileptic seizures and forgot to take her spectacles off the second time".

    They must have thought I was a right nutcase but they must have accepted my explanation - not that I remember anyone asking anything or me answering, but Olga does know that Pereg is epileptic. I hope that the Health Fund do pay as that bill was extremely high.
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  3. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Hope all turns out well Malka.
  4. Malka

    Malka Member

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    So do I Carole, so do I. I found the bill for the ambulance in my bag a few days later - they had opened my bag to find my ID card so that the hospital knew who I was and could access my medical records - not that I remember any of this - and as it was apparently my private emergency service who called for the ambulance, again I forget pressing my button - they will pay for it. I hope.

    I had to fax through the hospital discharge letters/notes but my printer was playing silly boogers so I had to keep sending each page two or three times and have not heard whether they received them all or not. I know it will only take a telephone call to find out but life here since then has been extremely, umm, not so nice, so things tend to get put on the back burner.

    My eye itself appears to be undamaged but the scarring is rather ugly and has caused my eye to be rather hooded, plus there is quite a lot of nerve damage and it hurts.

    And all this because Bayer did not put the full contra-indications and "do not do" information on the Seresto collar which Ram put on Pereg on 25 May. Had all the c/i and info been listed there is no way he would ever have put it on her. :009:
  5. Janet

    Janet Member

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    It will be very unfair if they don't pay. Hope they make a decision - in your favour - very soon so you won't have the worry hanging over you for too long.
  6. fieldy

    fieldy Member

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    Not more stress and worry, what a nightmare.hope it's sorted soon xx
  7. Malka

    Malka Member

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    As long as I get the form #18 the Health Fund will pay. And as my neighbour took the letters etc into Olga to see and Olga knew that I had fallen over Pereg, it should just be a formality now. I am not worried about it, I just want finished.

    I cannot fault the hospital though - everyone was wonderful - from the nurses in the ER to the ER doctors to the Ophthalmologist to the whoever it was who did my head CT scan, not forgetting the nurses who removed my earrings and my Star of David pendant/neck chain and showed me where they put them in my bag.

    But there is no way I am going to do what Bayer wants, which is to accept their already refund for the Seresto collar which was the cause of it all, plus a year's supply of Frontline Plus [yeah, sure, four packs x 3 spot-on wotsits] and send a letter saying that I will not make any claims on them for what happened.

    Because both Ram and I know that it was the Seresto collar that sent Pereg into a diabolical seizure session which did not end until about two weeks after I cut that bdooly collar off her, and which had made me so ill because she was sleeping on the bed with me while she was wearing it.

    And there is no way he would have put that collar on her had it been stated that it was not to be used for epileptic dogs and that a dog wearing a Seresto collar should not sleep on a bed with a human.

    Ach - it happened. I just want all bills now paid.
  8. frangipan

    frangipan New Member

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    Everything crossed for you here!
  9. Malka

    Malka Member

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    One of the main reasons I want my Health Fund to pay is in the event that I do need plastic surgery on and around the major scarring. I would actually only agree to it if it started causing me sight problems or the nerve pain gets too bad. But I do not think even plastic surgery would help nerve pain [my spectacles obviously cut into a couple of nerves just at the side of my eye and under my eyebrow].

    But if the Health Fund pay this hospital bill they will also have to pay for any possible future surgery.
  10. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Fingers cross they will pay x
  11. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Tina, it is not that I will not pay the bill or that I can not [although it will leave me extremely tight, especially as yesterday was rent day for the next three months, but it is because why am I paying the same monthly Health Fund fees that all married or un-working women pay, at my age and only on disability pension and allowances?

    Bit of a matter of principle to me.

    Also, if the Health Fund do pay, my refusal to write and sign a letter to Bayer saying that I did/do not hold them responsible for what led up to those falls and what their product did to Pereg [and to me] and that I accept the refund for the Seresto collar and four packs of Frontline Plus as "compensation in all goodwill but without admitting liability", and I will not take further action against them, means that yes, my option to sue Bayer is still open.

    If the Health Fund does pay, my options are still open.

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