Been in hospital Health

Discussion in 'Off Topic Chat' started by tumbleweed, May 3, 2015.

  1. tumbleweed

    tumbleweed New Member

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    Been in hospital

    Sorry not to have posted recently but been in hospital for past 3 weeks or so. Please do not ask what for. To bring up to date more or less. Now got a bit of a cold on top of everything else and feeling I had just done 5 rounds with Mike Tyson, really exhausted

    Been a bit of a traumatic time the last few week to say the least. It was touch and go if I was upgraded to a more intensive care ward.Won't go into details but I lost 1.25 stone in about 3 weeks ( do your own conversion). Now I am home for a few days things are very slowly on the up although eating is a problem after all that time.

    The idea of me being home is to improve enough for an operation after a further checkup (not looking forward to that)

    I had built myself up for it this past few days until a locum DR breezing through said remove antibiotics-painkillers and send him home, without any consultation with other medical staff.

    That really knocked me back hard as it was contrary to what the surgeons had said previously and I have to admit I did break down because of what he said and the way he said it.

    Communication between staff was bad in my opinion and others on the 6 bed ward were saying the same.

    For example I went for one of several scans at 10 am, later on a DR came and said I was booked in for the same scan at 4pm, he never checked first and was shocked that the scan had already taken place.

    Yes the staff were very busy admittedly but I guess at least 15-20% of the time was form filling by staff and not listening to the patient.

    I was in considerable pain but they kept giving pain killers instead of accepting that I was severely constipated. Their attitude is we know what is best for you.
    Leave you to guess how often I visited a very important room at home

    Getting any sleep was a struggle as well. Woken up at 6.30am then pills and anti biotics followed by meal to to eat followed but blood suckers and then blood pressure tests the injections , morphine to start the Katamine , there is nothing stronger to kill the pain.
    AS soon as one dropped off again it was have you had your bowels opened in the last 24 hours? sod off I want to sleep.
    Then bed sheet changing time so go sit on the chair next to the bed. Got that over with when it is "wash time do you want a hand and left to do it yourself, just after getting back into bed. By this time it is dinner time and no sleep. So dinner put in front of you only for someone else too keen to take it away before you started it. That is not including Dr's rounds and a newspaper lady as well.

    OK morning over and lights out for and hour then visitor time until 8 pm ,so again little or no sleep. That is how it was for 3 weeks

    No wonder I am glad to be home
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  3. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Glad your home & hope your cold gets better x
  4. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Same good wishes. I bet it was all that greenhouse replacing that did it.
    No more jobs till you're better!
  5. LMost

    LMost Member

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    Best wishes that all goes well.
  6. lovemybull

    lovemybull Member

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    Woooof, sounds dreadful...wishing you a speedy recovery!
  7. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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    Sounds awful Bazza, how you get well soon :)
  8. tumbleweed

    tumbleweed New Member

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    Thank Azz and everyone.

    Since being home I went down with a terrible cold to top everything. Having lost a stone and a half ( what ever that is in new money) in just about 4 weeks has not helped either. To give some idea my watch strap has had to be tightened 2 notches and trouser belt needed new holes punched in it.
    Last night I did manage to get half a nights decent sleep, what a blessing, it has made a lot of difference. Now it is just a case of persuading my throat that solid food has to go through it, yes it is that bad , only liquids up to now and fruit cocktail type if thing I could manage.
    Everything is still an effort, don't watch me trying to walk a duck makes a better job of it, my legs need strengthen up a bit more.
    Suppose it is worse never having been this ill in my life and when the hospital debate if I should be moved to a higher care ward brings it home with a bang.
    Sue my wife has been fantastic, she has put up with everything and i admit i am not the easiest person to live with in the past week or so since i have been home.

    So that is about it so far
  9. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Hope your feeling better soon .
  10. Janet

    Janet Member

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    Hope you had another good night's sleep and that you are well on the road to recovery.
  11. tumbleweed

    tumbleweed New Member

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    Azz likes this.
    Can't say I am better or worse at the moment, this cold is hanging on. Everything seems to be an effort, maybe it has taken so much out of me physically and mentally that recovery is going to be a long process. Getting older doesn't help as recovery times take that bit more time.

    Anyway thanks for asking and will keep all up to date, oh and my wife Sue has caught the cold now as well.
  12. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I am so sorry to hear that you have been so ill and hope you have a very speedy recovery. :)

    Visiting times? How about from first thing in the morning until around 11pm, with eight visitors round one bed, all talking on their mobile phones at the same time. :mad:
  13. tumbleweed

    tumbleweed New Member

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    For the full picture about 2 months before Sue rushed me into A&E with a suspected heart attack. After being in there all day, looking like a porcupine, it turned out it was something else. If they had done the MRI scan as they said they were going to there is a possibility all this would have been avoided.
    Still that is now history

    So today with Sue with her cold and me walking slower than a snail we went to a garden centre so I could get some exercise with plenty of places to have a little sit down.
    She wanted some runner beans seeds ironically, and we had a coffee there as well. So nice to even have a car rideand see the rest of the outside world so to speak
  14. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I am so pleased that you managed to get out. :)
  15. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    18 months ago both my son and my mother were in hospital over an 8 week period and the difference between the two wards was dramatic.

    My lad was on the Chemotherapy ward and nothing was too much trouble. Drinks when wanted, full English breakfast if wanted - you name it and the staff tried to provide it.

    My mum was on the geriatric ward where she later died. It was terrible. The ward was freezing, the staff were thoughtless and it was a fight to get to stay with her which we did constantly during her final weeks.

    This was in the same hospital, one floor above the other.

    The time itself was stressful enough as we were out of our minds with worry for both of them, but the added stress of that geriatric ward was unbearable. Dogs at the vet are given far more consideration
  16. tumbleweed

    tumbleweed New Member

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    I am not suprised at the difference between wards. When i was rushed into A&E a couple of months ago they pulled out all the stops as they thought i had had a heart attack, but it wasn't. This time into hospital by ambulance to a ward the staff were only interested in pill pushing and form filling. I wanted to get up and walk about and it took 4 days before after constant asking was I given a zimmer frame.

    I don't thing nurse training includes listening to patients or relatives at all and they stick to rigidly to the rule in case where there is a blame there is a claim.

    There are far far too many bosses at the cost of having less staff. There was about 40% agency staff where I was which is disgusting so you never knew who was who.

    In my opinion cut the admin in half (most are doing repeat of others ) and pay own staff more.


    I am getting over this cold bug but my wife Sue has got it now just as bad so she is more or less laid up. Teazle our border terrier will miss her morning walk but i have let her have a good wander around the garden,
    Last edited: May 10, 2015
  17. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    Similar topic. I have Mortons Neuroma in my right foot which means basically a benign tumour in the sole of the foot between the toes.

    I went to the doctors and was referred to NHS Choices. Was sent to Skegness (7 miles away) for initial consult. Sent to Mablethorpe (7 miles other way) for scan. Sent to a doctor's clinic in Boston (28 miles away) for a consult and told I would be put on waiting list for an operation at Boston Pilgrim. Great, fantastic - except I've got a letter now with an appointment with a different consultant for Boston Pilgrim. There's supposed to be an 8-12 week target time for the op from initial doctor's consult. It's now been 14 weeks and counting.

    Son has a problem with his hand. Doc referred to NHS Choices. They said there was no facility in Lincolnshire to do anything until I strongly protested when they arranged for him to see a consultant at a doctor's clinic in Boston. They then phoned and said no point in consult as they knew he would need an op so were putting him on a waiting list at Derby hospital (over 100 miles away). I blew my top. They rearranged a consultant's appointment at Boston Pilgrim who put him straight on the waiting list for the op there.

    Why on Earth we can't have the option to be referred straight to Pilgrim Hospital I don't know. Although 28 miles away, it is our local hospital and where we end up anyway. It cannot be a cost effective way to run the NHS, surely and certainly isn't cost effective for the patient
  18. tumbleweed

    tumbleweed New Member

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    I have been waiting 7 months to see an eye specialist and at last on Tuesday I have an appointment with another in June.
    My guess is they make more money out of private patients so they come first
  19. tumbleweed

    tumbleweed New Member

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    Yet again the June appointment has been cancelled for the second time. NHS useless
  20. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    It is a shambles at the moment (either by accident or design). I listed above the NHS Choices fiasco. On attending the hospital a couple of days ago, I now find out that I am back to the beginning with a new specialist who hasn't had any notes from visits elsewhere so now booked in for an MRI scan that two doctors have already told me that I can't have because of the metalwork in my ankle. This consultant disagrees. It should be an interesting visit to see who is right
  21. tumbleweed

    tumbleweed New Member

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    They did ask me if I had any metal on or in my when I had my MRI scan. I had a cathator?, which has a metal needle on my wrist, so the injected something (what I don't know) then did the scan

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