If it is not the icecream vans... General Chat

Discussion in 'Crossbreeds Forum' started by Malka, Apr 8, 2018.

  1. Malka

    Malka Member

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    If it is not the icecream vans...

    ... it is the telephone ringing.

    I have cordless telephones all over the place [plus two fixed landlines] so that wherever I am I can pick one up when it rings, as Israelis have a habit that if the telephone is not answered within four rings they hang up. They do not even wait for the eight or ten rings before voice-mail picks it up. The cordless ones I have are "mother and daughter" sets and when the last lot packed up one after the other, Nir got me new ones. Very useful is Nir!

    And he fitted them, not that I needed him to, and set the ring tone...

    ... so when somebody telephones the bungalow almost vibrates from the sound! It is great for me as there is no way I cannot hear the ring - before I had cordless telephones I only had two fixed landlines and frequently did not hear them ring. The tone he has set them is very pleasant but worse than the icecream van chimes as they have a doppler effect of coming and going.

    Tikva is like Lexi was, who no doubt taught it to Pereg - although of course they had both gone when Tikki arrived - raising their head to the sky and howling - more like singing though, and they stopped as soon as the van had gone past. But even though Tikki is much smaller than Pereg was, being a hound she H-O-W-L-S and gradually lessens the howling as they go past.

    And now? The telephone/s ring and Tikki HOWLS like she does with the icecream vans. At the moment there are only two of them but come the summer there will be icecream vans coming round just about every hour :eek:
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  3. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Mine don' t react to rings or ice cream vans, but Merry is very sound sensitive to car and house alarms. At night they can be miles away but she still Aroooos. Some might call it hound music - I can think of better descriptions.
  4. My bear Yoji

    My bear Yoji Member

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    That has just brought a memory back. When I lived at home with my mum & dad I used to have a Doberman. I used to play the violin ( not that anyone would agree it was playing ) !
    Well Ziggy thought it was lovely when I did and would sing “ howl “ when I did, it always made us all laugh
    Happy days
  5. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Heiko howls when the phone rings, so we unplug it when we go out, one time I forgot to plug it back in for a couple of days, when my friend rang she thought we had been cut off.
  6. Malka

    Malka Member

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    That would be an idea if I only had the one telephone but I only just pop over to the macolet and am only out for a short time, and the thought of going round unplugging them all... and then having to go round plugging them in again...

    ... let them ring!

    I would not mind but Tikki then squawks her little head off while I am trying to talk if somebody rings. Pereg was the same, interrupting me all the time, and Heaven help me if I was Skyping with someone.
  7. Janet

    Janet Member

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    My dogs don't seem to react to the telephone - my biggest problem is when dogs bark on the telly, Chico seems to blame poor Pepe and launches himself at him in a frenzy.

    The most irritating thing I've had to put up with was when my cockatiel used to imitate the telephone - countless times I used to rush downstairs to answer it only to find it hadn't rung at all! We've got a different phone now.

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