Potty Training Puppy Troubles Training

Discussion in 'Border Collie' started by Samwiches, Feb 11, 2019.

  1. Samwiches

    Samwiches New Member

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    Potty Training Puppy Troubles

    Hi all! I am new to the forum! I am in search of some puppy Border Collie training advice. So a quick update about me:

    I've trained dogs for about 3 years now. I was an animal control officer for a year and worked with many dog breeds. I've owned two, now in total border collies, an Australian shepherd, and a German shepherd. All of my dogs have been phenomenal in learning all of their commands, staying at my side, etc. However, for some damn reason I have had potty training troubles with almost all of them. So obviously I am doing something wrong somewhere and desperately need the help.

    Currently, I have a 3 1/2 month old Border Collie boy. He gets plenty of exercise. I am home on disability and have had him for about a monthish now. I have been consistent and on a schedule with him. He goes out with me every hour to potty. He eats Eukanuba (spelling) puppy food 3 times a day about half if not a little more of a cup. Hes a little stubborn. He fetches and goes running for hours. I clap, or say no, or say his name in a firm voice when he tries to potty in the house. I take him immediately outside and then give him a treat and praise him for going potty outside. He goes potty in the same spots, and others.

    He is crate trained. He won't go to the bathroom in his crate. Its the appropriate small size. He is only in his crate for two reasons. One, we are going somewhere and he cant come with. Maybe 2 hours tops. And at night. He goes to bed at 11pm, and will hold it until 6am where we start his hourly potty trips.

    Buuuuuuuuuuuut. He will still potty in the house. I understand it will take time, but its a little confusing. How can I mimic his behavior in the crate to when he is not in the crate? It will be completely random when he goes to the bathroom in the house. He will potty right after hes been outside. He has not pooped in the house. Its only peeing. Ive cleaned the pee spots,(with Rocco & Roxie Supply Professional Strength Stain and Odor Eliminator, Enzyme-Powered)
    and he will still find a random place to go. Ive literally had this happen with my aussie and my german. They just go, even though the vet has cleared them. He eats treats for bladder support. Im very disappointed that with the dogs ive owned, 3 out of the 4 have these potty training issues. :/
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2019
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  3. Margo8478

    Margo8478 New Member

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    I had a puppy I got at 7 weeks old and he was peeing in the house ALL the time up until like 6 months old. I knew puppies peed a lot but it was ridiculous and not getting better. I was at my wits end and too him to the vet to see what they could do, and he offered to ultrasound his bladder. Then we discovered his bladder was having mild spasms which would give him a sudden need to release his bladder even if it wasn’t very full, we put him on a supplement called Uromaxx, and it worked! He ended up growing pout of it and we don’t use the supplement anymore. Perhaps try an ultrasound on the bladder? Also good to do a urinalysis to rule out an infection.
  4. Samwiches

    Samwiches New Member

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    Thanks ! I can ask for the ultrasound. The bet did clear him of any urinary infections from a sample but it is possible to check further into it. Couldnt hurt. Hes a very smart puppy. It's just frustrating to be stuck on a simple task. He does fine in his crate, but not in the house.. hmm...
  5. Margo8478

    Margo8478 New Member

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    Yeah I totally understand, my guy was the same way. Hope you find a solution soon.
  6. Samwiches

    Samwiches New Member

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    Thank you! took him to the vet today and all is good so we are still searching for a good solution. :)
  7. Margo8478

    Margo8478 New Member

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    You can always just try the Uromaxx, it’s over the counter, you can even get it on Amazon. It’s basically cranberry extract and some other stuff, wouldn’t hurt.
  8. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    When you say he will potty right after being outside, are you going with him to make sure that he actually goes while he's outside?
  9. Samwiches

    Samwiches New Member

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    I can try the Uromaxx! No reason not to! Thanks!

    And Chris, yes. He goes about three times to completely empty his bladder. His first pee is the longest, then the second is still a medium stream, and then the last is usually little drops. Then he poops all nice, and plays with sticks Lmao. I take him to the same spots and he usually always goes.

    Today is a good example. He slept overnight in his crate from like 12ish unltil 6am. He had breakfast, We took him out and he went all good. It was rainy today and we went to bed late (obviously lol) so I took him into the bed with me and he slept with me for a good 5 hours. No accidents on the bed. I gave him lunch and I took him outside for an hour walk and we came inside cuz it started raining. I sat down and turned on the tv for about 20 min. and he lightly played in the living room (closed off with me) and he stopped and squatted. I clapped, took him out and he finished outside. Great, I watched him wattle and he went again. Okay, he came running up and we sat back down in the living room. I watched tv for about 45 minutes, he squats again and im in shock. He just went, didnt have water or food, what the heck? lol

    I feel like im failing him somewhere. He doesnt seem to get it. He knows he didnt something bad when i interrupt him, but i dont think he gets what. Because he shows no fear doing it again. :/ Also, he has not tried, not even ONCE to POOP in the house. It is literally a pissing problem. Thats it.
  10. Margo8478

    Margo8478 New Member

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    That’s exactly what happened with my dog when he was a puppy, but it was even more frequent then 30-45 min most times. He would sleep the night in my bed no problem with me maybe having to take him out once, but my final straw was when he was just coming to cuddle with me on the bed, and he peed all over me, and it wasn’t like a pee where he stopped and actually had to pee, his bladder just had a spasm and let go all over me! That’s when I took him to the vet and had them do the ultrasound lol
  11. Margo8478

    Margo8478 New Member

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    Actually I didn’t “make” them do an ultrasound, I just went In and said this it not normal please do whatever you need to do to figure this out lol. Uromaxx was the lifesaver! Lol
  12. Samwiches

    Samwiches New Member

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    If it helped, I will try it. the thing is, I rent. And the last dog that was here peed on the rugs. So I feel like I need to replace or deep clean the rugs. Any rug tips xDD
  13. Margo8478

    Margo8478 New Member

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    Yeah the Uromaxx definitely helps! It take like 4-7 days to kick in but it helped me for sure! I also bought a small portable rug cleaner, mich smaller and easier to use then those big ones you can rent. I can’t remember the brand, I wanna say bissel,
    It’s light green, I got it on Amazon and it came with a pet Oder remover cleaner, it was amazing, easy to use, small, light to carry and did the trick for spot cleaning

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