German Shorthaired Pointer Discussions

Discussion in 'German Shorthaired Pointer' started by Discussion Thread, Apr 28, 2004.

  1. Luke

    Luke New Member

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    Ive never seen a solid black in the flesh Dawn-seen pics of Het's Murphy though!
    Only seen the liver and whites and black and white GSP's.....
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  3. Het

    Het New Member

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  4. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    I didnt realise you had a black one Het, hes wonderful!
  5. patterlad

    patterlad New Member

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    Steve Rogers
    They are all stunning dogs.I am falling in love with the breed.To Het and Sweetie what are their temps like and is there any bad points about the breed.Also any known health problems to watch out for.
    You both must be very proud with your dogs ,a lovely example of the breed.I bet loads of people stop you for a chat about them when out walking.;-)
  6. novavizz

    novavizz New Member

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    A couple of pictures of my old fella, Russ, he's thirteen and a half now, I got him at 4 years as a rescued dog. He's a cantankerous old devil but I love him for it!!!

    In the living room - he's got his miserable head on!!

    In his favourite spot - on the sofa
  7. Het

    Het New Member

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    Thank you so much:grin: They are a very striking breed I think, very elegant and athletic and it is a pleasure to watch them work and move.

    They are very much people dogs, very tactile, sensitive and affectionate to their people. For all their size they are Lapdogs:grin: That all changes of course when they are outside, then they become very professional.
    In my experience they are easily trained as they are very eager to learn. They have a very strong urge to 'work' so to make them happy you need to be able to fulfill this in some way, so lots of walking is generally required:roll:
    Mine get on very well with our other furries, and are very sociable with other dogs. They love to play and are total comedians, they seem to love to make you laugh.
    Not aware of any health problems they are particularly prone to as such, bound to be the usual dog ailments. I have seen Hip Dysplasia and Epilepsy mentioned but nothing particularly breed specific. Obviously being an athletic deep chested dog you have to be aware of the possibility of Gastric Torsion, and of course avoid over exercise when young.
    They are not agressive in my experience, although Murphy is very protective of his people and his home. Isla is very reserved with strangers and likes to take meeting people at her own pace, this is despite puppy classes and lots of socialisation when young:roll: whereas Murphy is very outgoing. I have read that they can be reserved as a breed though.

    They are a real pleasure to own....but they certainly keep you busy, and fit:grin:
  8. patterlad

    patterlad New Member

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    Steve Rogers
    Thanks for all the info Het.Sounds as if the breed has it all.This breed is defo at the top of my list.Give it a few years i think if i can talk my OH into it ,thats my next dog .
    You have some top dogs there.
  9. Sweetie

    Sweetie New Member

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    Yes Het I used to show them but my old girl although she is in the standard just height wise once she got out of Junior she looked small and she went beating. My boy who is beautiful hated showing, I perservered with him for about 12 months and he did well always placed at Champ shows and went to Crufts, but there was no point cos he just didn't enjoy it.

  10. Sweetie

    Sweetie New Member

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    They are a very active breed as you can imagine when they go beating they can be worked all day so br prepared.

    My bitch is so sweet was very bidable and easy to train and everything, never barks.

    My dog totally different very wilful and manipulative, but very intelligent, he also will take a dislike to people and is my protector, needless to say hates it when I leave him and then tells me off when I get back. He is a comic and will do some thing that makes you laugh he is encouragable.

    I love them both , I am getting a puppy tomorrow but not another GSP my house is not big enough, a breed I saw about 20 years ago a Chinese Crested, so I am looking forward to this and hoping that he fits in well with my GSP's

  11. Sweetie

    Sweetie New Member

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    What a good age your boy is, he is a sweetie

  12. Sweetie

    Sweetie New Member

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    The solid Blacks that I saw around the ring where heavier and not as elegant as the other colours, not sure if they have improved in the last few years.

  13. Het

    Het New Member

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    My Solid black boy enjoyed showing and did not too bad really at open and Agricultural shows, although once he started to muscle up and mature it depended on whether the judge preferred the 'working' build or not. We just did it for some fun and he loved showing off, it also showed people that GSPs come in black, it amazing how many people don't realise that it is within the breed standard.
    Our girl is a beauty and has a fabulous show pedigree but hates being in the ring:-( We did a few Champ shows with her last Summer but she just wasn't happy so we stopped. We love her whatever...but it was quite frustrating seeing her all huddled up and unhappy in the ring, taking her home and watching her move across the field beautifully....but such is life:roll:
  14. Sweetie

    Sweetie New Member

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    Sounds a bit like my boy, the showing side is just a bonus and at the end of the day you take the best dog home LOL

  15. becktrek

    becktrek New Member

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    I will add my very small piece about the GSP. I've now had mine for 13 months and she is a very active! We had to move when she was about 8 months old and that really put a strain on her training. But all is well now and even though she is a bit hard headed she is a great dog. She absolutely loves being around people and animals. She would play with any one or any dog if allowed. She is very stronged will and I definately had to work at making sure she knew she wasn't in charge. They are great dogs but you must spend loads of time with them. Make sure you spend time with the breed and see them in thier environment over several days. I wish I had so that I would have been better prepared. I hope this helps.
  16. KaiserKaiser

    KaiserKaiser New Member

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    Malka and CaroleC like this.
    Hi GSP lovers my Kaiser is now 16.5 years old his health is now failing but he is still enjoying life, he has been my constant companion a real velcro dog and as is their breed he has been full-on until the last year a real character in the field he was immense at home he is the most loving dog I have ever known as Kaisers last days are upon us I look back so fondly on the great times we have had as a family for me there is not another breed that comes close.
  17. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Malka likes this.
    My thoughts are with you as you approach the end of your relationship with Kaiser. A touching tribute, your love for him shines through. xx

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