Are other Whippets like ours? Behaviour

Discussion in 'Whippet' started by nddogs, May 2, 2010.

  1. nddogs

    nddogs New Member

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    Are other Whippets like ours?

    Hi, are other whippets like ours?

    We got Bryn when he was about 14 mths (his previous owner had to move, due to split with OH)
    Any way we've had him a few months now and what a cheeky little dog he is.
    When we first got him we thought he would be fine left in the living room with our older dog Sid over night.

    How wrong we're we :shock: (If you don't like wee/poo stop reading now)

    Once he got in to his stride there would be sofa cushions and blankets (used to cover the sofas) all spred over the floor and you'd hear him barking, leaping and racing around having a super time :roll:.
    But he also had a dirty habit of using the rug as his toilet and the sofas as a posts to tinkle on, and he always raced to his bed and looked all sweet and innocent whenever you came in the room.

    We had underestimated what this little dog would do :blush:.

    So he then got moved in to the kitchen over night where he can do no harm with our other two younger dogs, but despite getting up to let him 'out' regularly the messing over night was not solved until we started putting him in a cage.
    The other thing which I see as a bit of a design fault is when he squats (instead of lifting a leg) he squirts his belly and the back of his front legs :? So if not washed often enough he smells.
    He also has a taste for other dogs mess :roll:
    And today he did a truly spectacular job of rolling in fox mess the front two thirds of his body were almost completely coved and he REALLY stank so badly:x .
    Other achievements including pulling coats off the hooks ripping the 'hanging up bits' just to get treats out the pockets and none of our other dogs have ever done this, and he also nicked a packet of biscuits off the table which he kindly shared with Sid and generally when you're not looking he'll get up to other things too, like chewing shoes.
    Ok some of this I know a lot of young dogs do like chewing shoes and nicking food etc but....
    Are whippets often cheeky and dirty little dogs?? Like this one, I'm sure that not all are, but does anyone have one similar or another sight hound like this??

    Any way he is a very sweet little dog he gets on really well with our other three. And here is a pic of the sweet and innocent little one :twisted: :twisted:
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  3. akitagirl

    akitagirl New Member

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    I don't believe you, look at him, so sweet!

    :lol: :lol: :lol: He sound ACE!!!

    What a character! Gotta love the naughty ones ;-)
  4. nddogs

    nddogs New Member

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    :lol: :lol:
    Yes a character he is.

    Got to agree the naughty ones are the most fun to have around.
  5. akitagirl

    akitagirl New Member

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    :) VERY rare I call a dog 'ace'. Takes something pretty special :lol: My Keisha is ace, an absolute cheeky, mischevious hoot!
  6. nddogs

    nddogs New Member

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    :lol: thanks and Akitas are very striking looking dogs, lovely looking.

    One other thing I forgot to add is HE CAN HERD GOATS yes you just read that, well sort of anyway, as when we take or dogs in to one of our feilds which is split in half, if we want the two goats to move to the other side so we can shut the gate and let the other dogs off we let Bryn 'round them up' and naturally the goats want to move back to the the side with the little barn and he does a good job of it!!!
  7. Freyja

    Freyja New Member

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    Yes whippets can be cheeky and naughty and smelly.

    They love nothing more than rolling in fox poo or anything else that is dead and disgusting. Tomato ketchup is supposed to be good for getting rid of the smell.

    My lot are crated at night because the youngsters especialy can be distuctive and the ASBO twins are no exception to that. They are monsters but being siblings they are worse as they lead each other on. Amber is so naughty but as my OH says even if you shout at her you can't be cross for long she's so cheeky and will push herself at you until she gets on your knee regardless of being told no.

    The mad time just before tea time is normal whippet madness. You should have 8 of them doing it at the same time. Even my oldest at 10 is known to have a mad half hour ever so often so they don't grow out of it either.

    As for the weeing and pooing in the house I would be tempted to crate him at night and go back to the basics with house training .
  8. greyhoundk

    greyhoundk New Member

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    Hi he sounds like a right character (sod) - i have a greyhound and a lurcher (i think she might be whippetxsaluki) and she is much naughtier than my grey. Shes a food thief, opens doors easily, jumps in circles lke a circus dog and waits until my other dog gets off her bed and then she pinches it, shes a little moo but funny with it.

    Bryn is gorgeous x

    Freyja did you find a name for your latest whippy after all ?
  9. Freyja

    Freyja New Member

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    The new addition is not a whippet he is an italian greyhound. At the moment we are settled with Willow. He is only 2 weeks old so have another 8 weeks before we go to collect him so it may change then but his breeder says Willow suites him. He 5 year old son calls him Winkie
  10. nddogs

    nddogs New Member

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    Hi Freyja, thanks, so he is typical!! He totally has the mad time before tea too!! as does our Viz so they have a good play and leap around, but 8 must be chaos :shock: :lol:. Yeah we are crating him at night and he seems to be a lot better in the day now too the weather warming up I think has helped too.

    :lol: yes sod is quite fitting, your dog sounds funny too. Thanks.

    So now I know this is quite typical for a whippet!!
  11. nddogs

    nddogs New Member

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    lol well Bryn has quite a few nick names and most I don't think I really want to put on here....
  12. Freyja

    Freyja New Member

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    Willow is being given to us by a friend after we lost my show greyhound William 5 weeks ago. William had so many different names and the majority of which were not repeatable in public.
  13. nddogs

    nddogs New Member

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    Sorry to read you've lost a dog recently sounds like he was a charater too, have fun with your IG, Willow is a lovely name.
  14. greyhoundk

    greyhoundk New Member

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    Oops sorry ! i should have remembered from your thread re names. An Iggie, i love them - Willow is a nice name anyway, be great to see some pics :)
  15. Freyja

    Freyja New Member

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    His eyes have only just opened so she's a bit wary of taking photos at the moment but as soon as I get some decent photos I'll start a thread for him.
  16. Findley

    Findley New Member

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    I to have a rehomed whippet boy. He does exactley the same. He will roll in fowl smelling things , and yes tomato sauce does work with the smell but then you have a pink looking dog. I got him at 18 months and he lived outside. He will lift his leg especially if the girls are coming into season. When I first had him he stripped wallpaper, dug up carpets, tried stealing the top bitches food (which he learnt to not to try again).:) When I had puppies he would open the baby gate and it had an extra tie on it, and let them out:shock: He will open peoples hadbags to see if they contain any snacks, also he gets in the front of the car although it has a dog guard, he will go through the pinic:x He eats crabs on the beach. Sits on your lap and cuddles up in bed. How can he be naughty all normal don't you think. Love your boy is he fawn brinle with white mine is.
  17. nddogs

    nddogs New Member

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    :lol: we talked to some one near us about whippets he said they are born naughty, it's the ''I'm just a sweet innocent little whippet who would never ever do anything wrong'' look they do that that I find funny and yeah ours pushes his luck quite a bit on the quiet too, like trying to take bones off Bertie who is twice his size or more but Bertie just sort of ignored him. And the pointy noses are great for stealing, ours gets called 'pocket raider'. Love to see pics of your whippet :grin:
  18. littleghost

    littleghost New Member

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    Having read the above then I realise that the Whippet we re-homed is "typical"(if there is such a thing).Mad hurtling around house and garden,stealing,taking the coals off the gas fire (not when its lit),re-arranging cushions,weeing just cos he can,howling,the list goes on,but I have to say that I am so lucky that this glorious creature wet-nosed his way into our lives and couldnt now imagine life without him.
  19. nddogs

    nddogs New Member

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    Good post :grin: that is just what they do :mrgreen: with there wet little pointy noses.

  20. Darcy Boy

    Darcy Boy New Member

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    He sounds just like my 2 were & at times still are. They have got a lot better after a lot of training. Toffee was 2yrs before he even listened to me:-o , but he must have been taking it in as he new most of what I had been trying to get him to do.:grin:
  21. Tang

    Tang New Member

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    What a lovely tribute to your dog!

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