3 month old Bischon Questions

Discussion in 'Bichon Frise' started by Kevin O, Mar 22, 2024.

  1. Kevin O

    Kevin O New Member

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    3 month old Bischon

    Kinda new too this but my new 3 month old bischon is pumping rather frequently and very soft and alittle mushy , is this a concern just looking for a few pointers on how to correct , would trying a new blend of food a must , looking for opinions thanks in advance
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  3. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    I'm guessing it was an autocorrect glitch and you meant pooping not pumping...

    With that, it is always best to have a vet check your puppy out and make sure there aren't any serious concerns. Especially at such a young age any abnormalities could possibly mean disease, etc.

    With that, I'm assuming you haven't had the puppy for very long as 10-12 weeks is the usual age they go to their new homes. That in and of itself could cause soft stools. If you changed their diet from what they ate at the breeder's, that could also result in soft stools.

    If you bought from a reputable breeder, they should be able to provide you with diet recommendations that have been effective with their particular dogs.

    You don't indicate what you are currently feeding, so it's difficult to recommend a change that could be helpful.
  4. Kevin O

    Kevin O New Member

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    Yes I meant pooping sorry , breeder recommended iams puppy food that’s what I bought , I read somewhere online that it was almost a normality for a new puppy’s actions but made a vet appt for first set of needles in a few days
  5. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    It is common with young puppies. They have sensitive tummies by default and add in the stress of moving into a new home and you often get digestive issues.

    As the puppy hasn't yet gotten any vaccinations yet, that is your biggest concern - they are susceptible to some serious diseases at their young age.

    Since you have an appointment with the vet in a couple days, I would just keep a close eye on the puppy until then. Watch for bloody stools or urine, vomiting, lethargy, etc. Also watch to see if puppy is chewing on any plants, etc.

    If you see any of the above, call the vet and see if they can get you in right away.
  6. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    I would keep feeding the Iams puppy food while your pup gets settled, tummy wise and home wise. Once your puppy is feeling better I would strongly recommend switching away from the Iams. It is my opinion that it’s not a high quality food. It’s definitely a well known brand that you can find everywhere.

    We don’t know where you are so hard to recommend other brands. But for the present time I would agree with the ladies above, keep him on Iams for awhile.
  7. Lifew/dogs

    Lifew/dogs New Member

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    When you go for the pup's first vet appointment take a stool sample with you so they can check for worms and bacteria such as giardia or anything needing antibiotics. Don't change food quickly; if you must change it take a small handful a day and add that to the food. Just a small amount forward until switched but I wouldn't begin that until a vet sees him for anything in the poop. A lot of puppies get parvo AT the vet's so make sure he's been kept UTD on shots. Should have had at least one of everything by 3 months old and more of some others,
    Pups are separated from their mom and littermates so they need time adjusting and that often goes to tummy and out like that; runny. Once the vet clears him you can add pumpkin to his food. A teaspoon should be enough and it helps a lot with diarrhea.
    If he refuses his food w/pumpkin try a teaspoon full alone.
    My Pom pup was 14 weeks arriving here and had one shot of everything even rabies before traveling. Any time you have questions like this call the breeder and ask what to do because they are experienced puppy handlers. They would rather you ask them than do whatever you want without advice. So call the breeder before the vets office then the vet 2nd. Good luck!
    This is the best inoculation advice you'll get anywhere, https://vangoghldens.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/vaccination-protocol.pdf
  8. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Re. Vaccination link.
    That is what my vet has been recommending for 20 years. Too many are prepared to over vaccinate in my opinion. This is the WSAVA/BVA protocol. I am also a big fan of Jean Dodds.

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