Does anyone have a Dalmation x Collie General Chat

Discussion in 'Dalmatian' started by riasboys, Aug 9, 2006.

  1. mishflynn


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    i think it could be a nice mix, tons of energy though!!!!phew! i like "dollies" best for a description i think!!!!
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  3. Elizabeth13

    Elizabeth13 New Member

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    Yes, it is much healthier getting a mix - less chance of having those terrible inbreeding problems from guaranteed 'pedigrees'

    Unfortunately though, my poor darling Lady,a ripe old age of 16/17 years, is beginning to have her kidneys fail on her.
    We think this is from the drugs prescribed for her arthritus, as the vets warned that that could happen, but her kidneys were fine thats why she was put on them.

    We're hoping they arn't damaged too much and that she has longer left in her.
  4. colleen

    colleen New Member

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    Hi i have a 7 week old liver and white dollie called Oacar. gorgeous.
  5. sade

    sade New Member

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    hi i have a seven month old collie cross dalmation she is very playfull and needs alot off care and attention just wanted to stop by and say hi
  6. Fudgeley

    Fudgeley New Member

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    come on then all of you where are the photos?
  7. Elizabeth13

    Elizabeth13 New Member

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    I posted a load.

    I have a sad update though, my Lady (who i have re-worked out her age to being more 17 than 15 afterall - how time flies!) is in kidney failure.
    I'm not happy about this - mainly because her kidneys were fine and the vets put her on arthritic medication which has caused this kidney damage it turns out. So i'm a bit pissed that they risked her kidneys when they could have put her on medication that wouldn't have.

    She has very bad breath, shakes a lot, falls over occassionally, and has lost a lot of weight with her loss of appetite.
    We now feed her chicken with her medicated k/d diet food, as well as oxtail soup. We have thrown the anti-protein idea in the bin, basically, because we'd rather she had any food then slowly starve to death.

    We have been offered to take her in for 48hr IV fluids to level out her toxin levels in her blood, but knowing our baby she would lose the will to live being left that long a period in the vets without us.

    So we're going day by day now with her. She was a little sick once yesterday, just a little bit which had grass in it, but that is it thus far. If she begins being sick again or more often than this 'one off' then we know shes going into end stages, basically, and we will have to think about a one way trip to the vets. I have read stories about owners with their dogs at end stage kindey failure, with their dogs vomitting non-stop and still hanging onto their life and i don't think i'd wish that upon my dog - it seems a bit cruel.
  8. aliwin

    aliwin New Member

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    So sorry you are going through this but I believe you are better giving her quality rather than extending her life by a few weeks at the most. She sounds like she has had a lovely life with you and although when the time comes, as many of us on here know, it's heartbreaking but the last act of kindness you can do for you best friend.

    Take care xx
  9. Elizabeth13

    Elizabeth13 New Member

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    Thank you aliwin,

    Lady is still with us, doing just fine.
    Some days she even runs around like a puppy again, other days she just likes to sleep a lot - which is fair enough being such an old lady!

    So she has made it into the new year, but we are prepared to do whats needed when the time comes.
  10. Elizabeth13

    Elizabeth13 New Member

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    I am sorry and sad to report that one Tuesday 16th Feb'2010 we had to make the tough decision to put Lady to rest.

    At night she just started fitting and getting confused, not knowing who we were and walking into things. The probable cause of this were the high toxcin levels in her blood at night due to the kidneys failing to remove them.

    She was fine during the day, but we didn't want her to suffer at all - even if just at night. She greeted the vet at the door and went happily into her bed as if knowing it was time.

    Thanks to you all for hearing about her and enjoying her, she truly was the most amazing soul and the truest and best friend i could've asked for.
  11. Elizabeth13

    Elizabeth13 New Member

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    It has now been 1 year with my darling Lady waiting at the bridge.
    I still stick to my guns though - keeping my eyes open for a rescue that is a dalmatian x collie but avoiding the purposely bred!

    If anyone wishes to see other examples of this mix, there is this website of the crossbreed with some photos and a bit of a description from others on this mix.
    (Note to mods - the link isn't a link to another forum, it is just a dog profile for the cross; don't think this is breaking the rules? If so, sorry!)


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    Hi, I know of a Dallie, Dalmatioan x Collie. He is 3 years old and was going to be put down because he barked at next doors dog. He looks like a Dalmatian but has a large black patch over his left side of face. If you are interested let me know.
  13. Elizabeth13

    Elizabeth13 New Member

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    Wow, what a silly reason to want to pts a dog!
    Got anymore information about him? Is he neutered/vacc? Good with others dogs? What training he's had?


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    Hi, would you like to phone me and I can tell you more? My name is Julie and I have a Dalmation x Collie called Toby he is 2 next month and like my previous dog Monty, he looks like a Dalmation but with a black patch over one side of head. The dog looking for a home looks very similar. My telephone no. is 01676 542947


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    Hi, also found a stunningly beautiful rescue collie x puppy. She has white fluffy long coat, black patch across right eye and what look like spots on the legs. Photo on rescue site isn't a close up,but thought you might like to take a look anyway. I don't know if i am allowed to give rescue sites out, but here goes. Her name is Buffy and she is on a site called Puppies Needing Homes. The other dog who looks more like my 2 dalmatian x collies(Spotty) is called Monty 2 and at Whitehall Dog Rescue, Wakefield.


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    Just to let you all know my husband & I adopted Monty2. He is an absolute gem,loves cuddles and well behaved in the house. My other Dal/col, Toby has fallen for his new brother. Everyone who sees Monty 2 is shocked how much he is like my 1st Dal/Col who was also called Monty.God works in mysterious ways his wonders to perform.
  17. Wyrd

    Wyrd New Member

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    Sounds like an interesting mix. I have a Dalmatian and a Border Collie, but I'm not sure what a mix of the 2 would be like.

    Do you have any pics of your boys?
  18. Tigera

    Tigera New Member

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    Hi I have a cross collie dalmation puppy, only 9 weeks old and she is so cute and very clever.
  19. Mandyuk1

    Mandyuk1 New Member

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    My Rosie is a collie/ Dalmatian cross soppy as anything and very gorgeous :007:
  20. shaunzzzz

    shaunzzzz New Member

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    Ive goy a Dolly,hes balmy,hes been locked up for 24 months,I walk him 3 times a day for 1 hour a walk and hes getting less mad by the day.Ist it sad when people buy a puppy dont socialise it then dump the poor thing at a rescue centre and then people like me and many others have to pick up the pieces of these poor little lost souls.
    When my dog barks and is nasty to dogs on walks nobody bothers to ask why or would I like to socialise with thier dog,they just give me a filthy look and walk off.
    If people were a little less self obsessed there would be less unhappy dogs in the world.We all need help when we have an unsocialised dog just 5 minutes of supervised interaction can really help dogs like my Dolly cross Ozzy.Im sure if they had been locked up in a house whilst thier mum and dad were at work for 8 hours a day for 2 years you to would be a bit disturbed.If people like me dont help the most disturbed abandoned dogs then basically they get put to sleep.If other dog owners could just show a modicum of compassion when im on a walk it would be very helpful.
    My dog isnt nasty it barks and snaps at dogs as a defence as hes very frightened by dogs.Hes never seen played sniffed another dog never seen a cow sheep swan bird or rabbitt untill about 6 weeks ago.At least now hes got a life and hopefully I can turn him around and I wont feel like scum on my walks with my lovely sensitive frightened boy Ozzy.
  21. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Well done Shaun on giving Ozzy a secure home. Three of my last four dogs were from rescues - and the fourth is a private adult rehome - so I can feel your pain!
    Yes, other dog owners can be very judgemental, and those who make no effort to put their dogs on a lead when meeting obviously undersocialised dogs are my pet hate. However, remember that it will usually be your dog which is going to be the most reactive, and life is a bit easier if you can to avoid conflict in the first place.
    The best plan is to avoid head on meetings with other dogs for the time being. Take Ozzie to one side, and allow plenty of space for the other dog to pass. Concentrate on getting him to watch you - the words, 'Watch me', and treat him for making eye contact - however brief at first. This will be useful for your future training too. Take time to stand or sit with him, at a safe distance from the all the things that scare him. Reward him for calm behaviour, and only reduce the distance gradually.
    Rescue dogs are not easy, but the rewards are well worth the effort. I can tell that Ozzie has found an understanding owner, I'm sure that he feels a very lucky dog.
    He is an interesting mix, do you have a picture Shaun?

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