Grouse Counting Discussions

Discussion in 'Gundog Forum' started by Helen, Apr 2, 2012.

  1. Helen


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    Grouse Counting

    We were away at the Lammermuirs counting this weekend. What gorgeous weather we had, certainly different today as it's been drizzling on and off.

    Stayed with a friend who is living in a gorgeous farmhouse, in gorgeous surroundings and saw a couple of old friends I knew from when we lived in Northumberland - the grouse world is VERY small. Also met my "boss" for the first time who was quite positive about sending more work my way.

    We took Dotty and Teal to work as it was 2 days on 2 estates. The first estate was very easy counting as the terrain was very flat and it was well burnt. I did see an adder there, which was worrying as I had forgotten they were up there. Luckily Dotty didn't!

    She worked really well on that first day but the second day, we were on an estate with a LOT of hares, which was a nightmare. I actually swapped her for Teal as she just wouldn't stop scenting them. I had to get my running shoes on a few times!

    Teal didn't put a foot wrong - apart from falling in a very smelly bog on the last count so we had to drive 4 hours back with her in the car :shock: Working her really made me appreciate how good a dog she is and will be adding to the working crew this year with another gwp. Starting to put some feelers out now.

    We took Jim with us as well because Tarn is in season and I didn't want to leave my sister with the responsibility of keeping them separate. He was a star and took everything in his stride - even being in the kennel during the day while we were working.

    Only one dog photo, I'm afraid:




    grouse counter in the making....


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  3. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    What a lovely spot Helen :) it looks like a good time was had by all :p
  4. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    Glad you enjoyed your time up here - just sorry you weren't up for a bit longer so we could have met up.

    I am guessing that the hares were on Horseupcleugh? (That is the estate that borders ours) - and we have tons of hares on here. I have also see three adders in the last few weeks :-( Not keen on them at all.

    Shame you only got one dog photo, but great pics all the same :) Love the one with Sam.

    It sounds like the dog team did very well - no wonder you were pleased.
  5. Helen


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    Yes it was and another one about 20 mins away. Not so many hares on there though.

    I used to hate counting in certain places in Northumberland because of the adders :(

    We'll be up in July so will have more time then as we will be counting early and late to get away from the heat, so should have more time. It was manic this weekend and we are all still exhausted.


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