Please advise me. My little girl has gone off her back legs General Chat

Discussion in 'Bichon Frise' started by Hellsbells, Jul 14, 2018.

  1. Hellsbells

    Hellsbells New Member

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    Please advise me. My little girl has gone off her back legs

    im desperate for advice. My 8 year old Bichon Izzy suddenly went off her back legs 4 days ago. Walking with unsteady gait. Vet thinks possible prolapse disc. Needs MRI scan. Treating with pain relief and anti inflammatory. Anyone on here had similar experience? Please advise. I’m worried sick
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  3. My bear Yoji

    My bear Yoji Member

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    Hi, I’m sorry I can’t offer any advice, I hope someone can give you some peace of mind
    It great that the vet is being pro active and I hope you don’t have to wait too long for a prognosis
  4. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Hello Nelly - has your vet done an Xray on Izzy or has just gone straight into the MRI necessity?
  5. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I can only suggest rest - preferably cage rest. No stairs, no sofas, and as little being lifted as possible until you have had the scan. Only take her out for 5 minutes at a time to do her wees & poops. Because of the inactivity, and nerve damage, she possibly could need something to help her poop - I use psyllium husk if they are eating normally, and Lactulose if not.
    I do hope the scan goes well. Spinal problems are very worrying, but operative results can be good if you follow the vets advice to the letter.
    Good luck, let us know how she goes on.
  6. Mari7

    Mari7 New Member

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    I'm new here & was hoping for some input regarding my pup's diet. I hope since this post is from a few months ago you've gotten some resolutions on your dog's issue(s). My "baby" is just 10 months old & I tried a very large pen for him at one point 3 months ago so he'd have his crate, food etc. & to leave him home alone for a very short period to start. He bounced so much he hurt himself & I had him in the E.R at 3 a.m & they said it was something regarding his disc. Fortunately, with restrictions on exercise & giving him little massages check ups with reg. vet~ he was fine after about a week. It was very frightening to see him moving as if his leg had fallen asleep & he could not go in a circle without falling down. Actually, it was terrifying when it happened & ....oh bad memory. I figured I'd post this as it must happen quite a bit with how high they can jump. I only left him for approximately 90 minutes. I hope things are okay with your fur baby. This site has so much great info & I'm so glad I found it. Best to you, Mari

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