Pooping in the house! Questions

Discussion in 'Shih Tzu' started by Jane800, Feb 8, 2021.

  1. Jane800

    Jane800 New Member

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    Pooping in the house!

    I have a near seven month old Shih Tzu puppy. He is a really sweet little dude and is always by my side, following me around. He's very high energy, but it may just be because he's still a puppy. The only area where we're having a hard time is with him pooping in the house :( He knows to ring the bells to go outside, and he does so to go pee. He hasn't peed in the house in a long time. He likes to sneak off really quick to poop somewhere private in the house, or will just go right in front of us sometimes. It's often right after I took him out for 15-20 minutes, trying to get him to go outside. We always give him his favorite treats when he poops outside and praise him a lot. I decided to just put him on a leash and have him tied to me all day. I've been doing this for about 2 months now but he still poops in the house if he gets the opportunity. I don't know what to do!!! I take him out regularly. Am I being impatient? I know it's not because of the weather, he loves to be outside. I'm getting frustrated, does anyone have some words of advice???
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  3. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    I am confused as to how you don't notice when hes about to go if hes tied to you .
    you need to keep an eye on him and take him outside strait away, when he shows signs of going to poo.

    You may need to stay out with him longer to wait for him to poop.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2021
  4. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Keeping a not yet seven-month-old puppy tied to you all day is, to me, restricting his movement, which could mean he is not getting sufficient exercise for his joints and muscles to develop properly.

    Regarding him still pooing in the house when he is tied to you, I agree with the comment made by @GsdSlave
  5. Jane800

    Jane800 New Member

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    He's only tied to me when we are going room to room. Once he's gated in or a door is closed, he's free to move around. We go on multiple walks a day, too. And he plays a lot with our other dog, and we play fetch a lot. I always take him out if he seems like he needs to poop, but then he doesn't go. I could try standing out there for 30 minutes?
  6. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    I would keep him in the same room you're in so you can keep an eye on him.

    You tend to get a regular pattern of bowel movements, by feeding regular meals at the same time every day, and keeping a note how long and when they need to poop. So you can a least get him out to poo at certain times and use a cue word as he goes.

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