Breedia Dog Forum
Absolutely adorable. Do you own the bigger dog as well
Poor dog and she does not look very old either. I hope she found herself a loving new home?
I guess we have been lucky then as any we grew up with and my Uncles Boxers are all super friendly Unfortunately with a breed as popular as the...
No. I agree. My Uncle has Boxers and we grew up with them. Its just sheer excitment and being away from home. At 8 months he is just a baby, very...
At first glance I thought maybe a Boxer x Lab or she could even be a Staffy x Lab.
Looks like a match made in heaven. Two gorgeous dogs. Well done!
Whatever her cross, she is beautiful. Have you had her from a young pup ? She has a very gentle look about her. Do you have small furries?
Oh I just love that first picture, what an adorable little pup. I always liked beagles. First off he is very young so dont expect too much from...
Er - it says born 22 Jan 2010 - how do they know the pups will be born on that particular day??!!
Hopping in here. Just want to add its no guarantee your girl wont take vaginitis again even after season/spay. We were told same as you. Very...
Absolute rubbish. Two pure bred dogs of different breeds create a "crossbreed" or as is termed in some dog circles - a "mongrel". The original dog...
They are fantastic dogs. Our youngest was naughty. He ate room corners but they grow out of it and anyone who has them know they can be chewers.
Have you proof that it isn't being done!!!!!!!
That is brilliant - having so many deaf dogs, you are obviously a very special person.
I would not bank on that!!!!