Breedia Dog Forum
Great thread.
I'll try and be here more regularly. Still not able to upload photos for some reason. I wanted to put up some photos of my two. Remus has stopped...
Well my staffie Tonks is almost 7 now and although she is calming down in general, when she gets excited the adrenaline starts buzzing and she just...
I have a feeling I'm going to get very confused if people have different names on here.
Hi Malka!
Really sorry to hear this Phil. I've only come on here and haven't been on Dogsey for a while. Skye definelty had a great life with you. Xx
Hello everyone! I finally came over from Dogsey to have a look about here! I hope you're all well.
Interesting question. I've known a few who have lived with other dogs..not sure about cats though. Obviously training and correct introductions and...
Yep I'm with you and disagree with thing dogs up outside schools I think it puts them in a very vulnerable position from being stolen or "something"...
Thanks Meg. I have discussed health testing with her, although I don't know who the breeder was who she spoke to in hampshire. She's prepared for the...
A friend of mine is considering getting a dog and, wonderfully, is going about it the right way by doing loads of research. She met lots of dogs,...
Interestingly enough I've had another inquiry from a collie owner. The dog is ten year old and the woman has recently returned to work. Previously it...
A for the cross breed bit I think you'd have to go for an adult rescue to know the level of exercise they'd need. Many collie crosses still have a...