Breedia Dog Forum
So big since i saw them last!!! both so Priiitty!!
Both breeds of Cocker can be or were prone to suffering from Rage, but then then are many breeds that can also suffer with "Rage". it's worth doing a...
This is Bliss with her lovely waggy tail [IMG]
snap!! i still use flat canvas collars but take them off as soon as we get home.
What a sweet trio you have there!
What a lovely family you have. they all look lovely but how on earth do you tell them all apart when you are out walking??? when so many of them are...
Well i'm not sure about 12!!!!! ;-) ;-) but i can say that five aren't really much more hard work than when i had just two. it's just holding all...
Hi Rachel i missed your post some how......... thank you for your kind comments on the Digglet. "tickle" given. ;)
Oh WOW!!!!! we all have such beautiful doglets!!!!!!!!! greta posting everyone!!!!!!!
My GunDogs......... ha ha that's a laugh ;) My glamour girls.......... wouldn't know a gun from a pheasant ;) [img] Diggory......... relaxing....
Yes these are her first babies. they were my little clones :)
Something that Cockers do really well "BIG eyes and Cute eyebrows" [IMG]
Ummmmmmm..... that's a hard one ;) well it would a cocker spaniel for me every time......... maybe that's why i have five :)...
Just for you Becky [IMG] :)