Breedia Dog Forum
Thanks for the condolences, folks. We visit François up on his mountain and he's nice and comfortable now and, like I've said in some blog posts, his...
An up and down week this week. Sadly we had to put one of our own down as he was suffering with leishmaniosis. This is François our Bullterrier who...
Thanks for kind words, everybody;) We got a review of our Dog Rescue Holidays project, now in full flow again after the summer sabbatical, so I'll...
So busy with everything and finding it hard to keep every-one updated but did write up a quick blog post about our visitors last week...
Not checked in for a while guys, just thought I'd drop a few more photos in of some of our happy people in their new lives;)[ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Some more shots of various dogs from[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] the centre, on our village streets...and preparing to climb up sheer...
Few more pix of recent dudes here...and a seventh my missus has got her eye on to go with Fabiola (as you can see from the photo, they're top chums...
A few more pix showing some of the doggies I've been knocking about with lately:) First, a Fila de San Miguel/German Shepherd cross. Very young at...
Five more off to Luxembourg yesterday;)...and my new girl being her mostest comfortablest ever:) [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Look forward to having a look at this article when I get a moment Looks to be an awesome article. Thanks, will look at that later;)
Hi Malka, forgot to answer you:oops:. They're really little things generally but there are leggier ones such as my new girl, many of them crossed...
Yuna has been re-homed on the first day and Rascal, who seemed to be a day from death last week has been fostered by one of the Swiss carers. I could...
Now for some ickle ones, the Bodeguero Ratonero Andaluz (to give them their full title). These were all the rage some time back and have now fallen...
Galgos waiting patiently in line for their showers, Rascal took it all in his stride, as well...and Malthus Volcan (or Dave, as I call him;)) looks...