Breedia Dog Forum
HI Mike Thanks for the information. I have bought the broadsheets by Eric Begbie and am awaiting their arrival. I'm about to get my new Bracco...
Hi Mike Its great to hear that somebody is actually taking steps forward to promote positive training in the gundog world. I, for one, will be...
Hi there Lesley Thanks for your post. I love my baby too. They're sooo easy to live with aren't they? Ruby's breeder has weims also but she...
Hi there He is probably right about Sam's age but there is no reason why you can't be taught the basics so that you can fulfil a need in Sam that...
Hi there I agree that the world of gundog training hasnt really moved on but I have seen some improvement over the last couple of years. What I...
Hi there The Bracco can be docked on undocked. Ruby's dad is docked and her mum is undocked. I personally prefer them undocked as it give more...
Hi there My Bracco Ruby is really the absolute best dog to live with. She is sooooo funny, a real comic and yet she is so gentle. I took her...
I absolutely love that alternative breed standard. If you live with a Bracco it is soooooo fitting. Ruby is such a princess. I wonder if Tia is...
BRACCO ITALIANO (Italian Pointer) THE ALTERNATIVE BREED STANDARD (What the books don’t tell you!!!!!) General Description: The Bracco Italiano...
HI there What a beautiful bitch. What are her lines? I have a chestnut roan bracco who will be 2 on 4th July. Her name's Ruby - or "what have...
HI there Can't say obviously without seeing the dog but it does sound as if it was a working cocker. My wc is quite small and squat. The thing...