Breedia Dog Forum
Hi allcan anyone tell me if Border collies have particularly soft pads ?? i know it sounds daft but we had a collie years ago and i can remember she...
:shock: WOW thanks all i had no idea it was so involved ,but as you say she is definantly not a welsh sheepdog :smt002 if im honest i dont really...
mmmmm interesting ,glad were not alone anyway .:-)
Hi all , just thought i'de pop in and ask if any one here can settle a burning question ,here go's ,as you may know last august we rescued a border...
[IMG] [IMG] This is gemma ,after a run with her friend fred ,and later in a rather large and very muddy puddle she found,but how could you not...
wow what a smashing puppy , i envy you the fun i know your having already and the fun thats yet to come .
:? In the 51/2 years we've had gemma ,i've yet to find 2 vets who agree about what a "right "wieght is :roll: ,seems to me that in general if your...
car'nt resist showing gemma off along with the reat of you :grin: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] hope you enjoy these :grin:
Hi Snowangel, Would have replyed befor but i've been offline for a while ,so a belated welcome to dogsey from me and gemma my...
lol had to laugh at mollys nickname ,we too call gemma lumpy and lardy ,sure molly is pure bred ,she's really
Sorry i've come in at the tail end of this (no pun intended ) :roll: i never realised there was two types of staffs :blush: to me they like most...
Dont want to say the wrong thing and upset anybody , but must say that report taken at face value is very scary ,but dont feel in any position to...