Breedia Dog Forum
My Belgium Shepherd has been attacked several times, but never by a staffy, although we see lots of them
I love these dogs, they are so appealing, and I've yet to meet one that hasn't a sweet nature
Wow! Very impressive
A staffie owner told me, that the first ten years are the worst
Thanks, Moobli, I know what you mean by the old style, they seem to have such sharp faces today. And my two certainly were a lovely temprament as...
No, but I bred my dog 32 years ago, and it wasnt general practice to do so at that time. Were I to breed today, I would get any neccessary tests...
Well, I think you are right. You obviously acted responsibly when you bred your dog, and I hope you will agree that I did too. I entered this...
From that statement, you could argue that no dogs should be bred from (licensed breeders or otherwise) until the rescue homes are empty
No, I haven't worked in rescue, although I have been to some of the rescue places to look at the dogs. Unfortunately, I know of more people who got...
Thats rather uncalled for isn't it? I bred from my Rough collie years ago. The reason was I wanted a puppy from her. Not any puppy, but one...
I think plenty of socialization at an early age is the way to go. Protective? Well, Abby barks at strange noises, and things that are out of place,...
Thanks wolfie, I think all the BSDs are great looking dogs too. I previously had a long haired GSD, and that was a very loving dog, but only...
Thanks Moobli for your kind comments. I read that book too. Real sad at the end though, when Jack's owner had to shoot him, when he got badly... As you will see she is...