Breedia Dog Forum
We have Willow the WS, she's nearly two years old now. She has outrun, outbounced and outplayed any show line ESS we've met. When my OH takes her for...
A new papillon girl has come to live with us :mini: Sky :mini: We picked her up on Thursday - a peculiar day, Nan's funeral in Sheffield in the...
We have Willow the welshie. Calm is not one of the words I would use to describe her. Bouncy is the one that usually comes to mind. This is one of...
I just left Willow in the garden for 10 minutes while I cleaned out the rabbit's cage. She didn't come back when I'd finished, so I assumed she was...
Got a jolly good face washing from a Lancashire Heeler. :lol: Not a dog I would have considered before, but they were friendly without over-doing...
I have Soso the papillon now. I used to have her mother Ellie as well (she died last year at 16). Ellie was my absolute dream dog, she literally...
Is it a coincidence that the gold and red cockers I've seen tend to have light eyes if working strain and darker eyes if show strain? Looking at the...
Back before we got Willow, but after we'd decided on a Welshie, I saw a puppy I was convinced was a Welsh. Talking to the owner, he turned out to be...
I've just seen a couple of pictures of Alaskan Klee Kai. Wow. They look just like mini Alaskan Malamutes. I may be going to do some research on these...
Salukis!! Particularly the tri-coloured. I find them drool-worthilly gorgeous. BUT no way would I get one unless I had a fully secure paddock for...
OK, this is coming totally out of left field, but does your daughter like the look of papillons. In 2001 I was diagnosed with severe clinical...
Willow is from show lines, I wasn't quite mad enough to think I could keep up with a working bred springer. Her Ma and Grandma were both very laid...