Breedia Dog Forum
wow he is gorgeous.... if only my fella would let me buy ANOTHER puppy lmao
I'm not so keen on the unshaved ones, I think they look far better shaved. About 5 years ago was the last time I saw one at a fun dog show and his...
I think when it says that the 2 hairless genes are fatal it means that the puppy is never actually born, it just dissolves back into the Mother...
I won't say much as others have made very good points but I personally think you should get an older dog who is out of the puppy stage. You sound...
My pup is 14 weeks old and the new puppy will be 9 weeks. I have spent the last few hours googling like crazy and its 50/50. Many people say its a...
I hadn't really thought about it that way Sarahjade :( I was hoping getting her a companion to actually grow up with would be a good idea as they...
Hiya I have been actively searching for a companion for my puppy for 3 weeks now and I have the opportunity to purchase a chinese crested. I...
If you ever need a Pugsitter give me a shout because he is Adoooooorable! :)
Well as Im a massive Pug fan that is the reason I drove so far to get this little beauty! So Pug like but she wears a different jacket :P
He is a very beautiful puppy! That is what I love the most about cross breeds, the uniqueness of them. If he was to get lost you could describe him...
Funny you should say that as a few have asked me if she is a shaved shih tzu! :lol:
Over many years I have owned 3 Pugs and I have to say they have always been fantastic. They are so friendly, full of character and imo very...
Hiya. I am new to the forums and would like you to introduce my new puppy Pepsi. Her Mom is a Pug and her Dad is a French Bulldog. She is virtually...