Followers 11
- Birthday:
- Dec 19, 1972 (Age: 52)
- Location:
- london.uk
- Occupation:
- veterinary nurse and ex canine hydrotherapist
- Birthday:
- Dec 19, 1972 (Age: 52)
- Location:
- london.uk
- Occupation:
- veterinary nurse and ex canine hydrotherapist
- Name:
- layla
- Your dogs name/s:
- flea/natuk,lobo,orla.santo,kaos,chikka,kia,blue,tupac
- Breeds owned:
- siberian huskys,csv's 2 x mutt
- Other Breeds owned or previously owned:
- lurcher.border collie.n.i
- Has owned dogs for:
- 9 to 20 years
- Dogs Owned:
- 7 or more!
- Number of dogs owned over the years.:
- 10 - 15
- I have trained dogs to:
- A high level (more than 20 different commands)
- Believe in using positive training methods?:
- Yes - but I will raise my voice if I have to
- Have you ever shown any of your dogs?:
- Yes have been for 1 - 3 years
- Have you ever bred your dog?:
- yes - once but won't do it again
- Other Animals I own:
- No
- Marital Status:
- Single
- Children / Grandchildren:
- Drives:
- rig- soon to be Tupac if he doesnt stop growing soon!!
agility,dog sledding,Interact
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