Galliprant Dosage Health

Discussion in 'Yorkshire Terrier' started by Taylor Golmon, Apr 12, 2020.

  1. Taylor Golmon

    Taylor Golmon New Member

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    Taylor Golmon

    Galliprant Dosage

    My 14 year old Yorkie was attacked by my neighbor’s Boxer today. She was bleeding from the mouth and one of her canines was hanging, so I rushed her to the animal ER. She’s okay, thank God, but the vet prescribed her 20 mg of Galliprant after pulling her tooth for pain and inflammation. I’ve read that 8-15 lbs dogs should only take half of a 20 mg tablet, and my yorkie is barely 4.5 lbs. I only gave her half today, but I’m scared she’s in pain. Has anyone given their smaller yorkie s 20 mg of this medication??
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I am sorry to hear your little Yorkie was attacked and hope she feels better soon, but did your vet not tell you what dosage to give her? Galliprant is an NSAID and usually given for osteoarthritis as it is a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory and is not normally prescribed for dogs weighing less than 8lb as its safety for such small dogs has not been evaluated, so I am rather surprised that the vet prescribed it and not a more suitable pain-killer for her weight.

    Anyhow, the dosage of Galliprant is 2mg for each kg of weight, your little one weighs ~2kg so the dosage would be 4mg once a day, on an empty stomach, for as short a time as possible. That would mean cutting the tablet in quarters and for safety's sake nipping a fraction off each quarter.

    Can you telephone your own vet for advice? Please do not give her even 10mg [half a tablet] without first checking with your vet, as that is far too much for a dog of her weight.

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