American Bullies Photos

Discussion in 'Bull Breeds Forum' started by Kitkat_, Oct 20, 2013.

  1. Kitkat_

    Kitkat_ Member

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    American Bullies

    I remember all the negativity on the other thread about the breed, so I though I would show the nicer side with some lovely examples of what an AmBully SHOULD be






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  3. Baxter8

    Baxter8 New Member

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    Sandy (Baxter8 )
    I have a very strong looking staffie and am partial to a staffie type, I always have been and have never been scared of them.

    I can't help thinking that some of these dogs look as if they're on steroids though! It would worry me coming into contact with these very muscular dogs. It looks as if the muscular look was created and refined and doesn't look like the sort of dog that would be a pet -but am open to persuasion otherwise.
  4. Fivedogpam

    Fivedogpam New Member

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    Sorry but I think they're gross. I'm not a fan of bull breeds anyway (although I like a nice staffy!) but it's obscene what has been done to these dogs. :-(
  5. Tang

    Tang New Member

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    I don't have strong views but tend to agree with Baxter here. And to be honest am not really sure exactly what point you are trying to make? Aren't Pit Bulls a 'banned breed' in the UK? So, unless I am wrong - what's the point of 'promoting' them?
  6. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Exactly WHY should they look like that? I think they are revolting. Feh.

    I agree with the above three posts.
  7. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Its irrelevant "what AmBully SHOULD be" as pitbull types are banned in the UK, so not sure what point you are trying to make.

    To be honest, some of those dogs look horrendous, they look like they have been overdosed on steroids :cry:
  8. Kitkat_

    Kitkat_ Member

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    Well there was so much negativity on the ones that look like deformed toads so I thought I would show that they can be nice dogs that are fit and healthy. I can guarantee not one of those dogs are on steriods, they are just worked and conditioned naturally. Obviously I am not "promoting" them, just showing that not all of them are genetic train wrecks. Also they are NOT Pit Bulls even if they fit under "type" :)
  9. Kitkat_

    Kitkat_ Member

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    I made this post to show not all the dogs look like this:








    And can be naturally athletic, healthy, "normal" dogs
  10. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    I'm not a fan of cropped ears on any dog tbh but the blue dog looks lovely and the last picture is fine too. I think a lot of the muscle definition is down to the poses adopted, a bit like body builders, no one actually goes around adopting those poses otherwise. Gawd knows what the dog in piccie 3 is trying to do other than throttle himself. I certainly don't see anything obscene or revolting.
  11. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    Blimey the second set of photo's look photoshopped, I don't understand why anyone would do that to any animal. The breeders should be ashamed of themselves.
  12. Kitkat_

    Kitkat_ Member

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    No I don't like cropped ears either but unfortunately it seems to be very popular with AmStaffs and AmBullies. The pictures that show of the muscles are usually taken in/after exercise too. Dog 3 and 4 are the same dog just in 3 he is conditioned and is in a position that shows off his muscles and picture 4 he is more of a chain/pet weight and not in a good position.

    I know for a fact it is this bottom ones that are usually on steriods or other "enhancers" to "bulk" them up and make them look bigger. The dogs in my original post have less bulk and are built up more over endurance
  13. Florence

    Florence New Member

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    Just a question: So should we not even talk about any breeds that are banned in the UK? Aren't we all dog lovers who understand that that was a rush decision made by the government not based on any facts or truth about the breeds' temperaments at all? So why shouldn't we talk about breeds that perhaps aren't allowed in the UK at the moment. The ban will hopefully be lifted at some point and these dogs will be back again.

    In regards to American Bullies, I don't like the breed because I can't see what the point of breeding them was. There are already so many lovely dogs out there, be they staffies, amstaffs, american bulldogs etc. There seriously wasn't a need for another 'controversial' heavy weight bull breed. And it obviously has gone into a crazy direction with lots of dogs being in really poor condition and horribly deformed.
    And to be honest, the healthy American Bullies just look like heavy pit bull/staffie crosses, so why call them a new breed?
    I wish the dogs in the pictures you posted would be wearing harnesses, it doesn't look healthy and their throats are squished.
  14. Laurabehjet

    Laurabehjet New Member

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    Worth noting that these look so much like pit bulls, I would even go as far to say they are put bulls unless I saw documentary proof they weren't that if these were brought to the uk, it wouldn't be long before they were sold without papers as happens with all breeds eventually.

    Soon as that happens many of these would end up being destroyed as a dog warden would class these as pit bull types and without any proof otherwise......
  15. Baxter8

    Baxter8 New Member

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    Sandy (Baxter8 )
    Two questions - how on earth can you guarantee that that not one of those are on steroids? Do you live with them?

    Secondly - I think it incredibly offensive and insensitive that you would again post those appalling pictures again. It was completely without cause and you didn't need to post them to support your point.

  16. Baxter8

    Baxter8 New Member

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    Sandy (Baxter8 )
    Hi Laura - I think the first pictures look a lot more like staffies than pitbulls (I never know exactly what a pitbull looks like to be honest - they vary so dramatically.

    The second lot of pictures look like nothing on this earth and make me feeling physically ill when I look at them. I have no idea why she felt the need to glorify them yet again.

  17. Baxter8

    Baxter8 New Member

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    Sandy (Baxter8 )
    Trouble (great name by the way!) these pictures have already been posted and caused outcry the first time around. I have no idea why she felt the need to post them yet again. I have reported them.

  18. Kitkat_

    Kitkat_ Member

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    I do understand why they were created, most people could never and shouldnt own a true Pit Bull as they are so high energy and need to be worked. These dogs are a bit more "for show" and have nowhere near the energy or needs that a Pit Bull does

    This is a Pit Bull


    I would hope anyone could see the difference :)


    The people I took the pictures from know the owners/kennels and know that these dogs have never been nea steroids. I can show you hundreds of APBT's that have never seen steroids in their life, they are just well fed and well conditioned as they are used to work.

    People were saying the first lot of dogs didnt look good so I was simply showing what I was saying they shouldnt look like, dont blame me for the pictures, blame the breeders! :017:

    Here is a few examples of APBT's




  19. Baxter8

    Baxter8 New Member

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    Sandy (Baxter8 )
  20. Tang

    Tang New Member

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    Again, I agree with you B. I found those photos distressing the first time round. As OP obviously assumed we'd all remember them (as it was the whole point of her posting the other pics to show the 'difference') why post them again?

    I sometimes wonder where people go searching or what they put into search to come up with so many pics like that.

    I didn't say they shouldn't be 'discussed' they are being discussed. I said I didn't see the point of OP 'promoting' the breed as it is banned in this country (as it is in Cyprus where I live) unless there is some big campaign going on to get the ban overturned and allow them in.
  21. Baxter8

    Baxter8 New Member

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    Sandy (Baxter8 )
    I find it infuriating that she would claim "don't blame me blame the breeder" like that absolved her of any blame. By searching and posting those pictures she is perpetuating the problem.

    I think she posted them yet again to be provocative.

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