Does anyone now anything about Whippets....its a breed of dog a good friend of mine is considering and would like some info.... Are they like greyhounds and relaxed inside sleeping the majority of the time or not? Are they easy to train? Any ailments/health checks to be aware of? Are they hounds as in off like a shot...and stubborn or ammenable...? Thanks in advance
lovely dogs- I had a pup reserved from a litter due next year but sadly the bitch died of pyo a month or so back- gutted isnt the word! Since I havnt actually owned one i'll let more experienced people answer!
I have never owned one but i gather they are a little more highly strung than greyhounds. They do love their sofas but also love their exercise and need more than a grey i would imagine. Supposed to be very affectionate once they get to know you but can be quite aloof to start! I would love one.....but no room for anymore!! And there are many dogs i would like, lol!!
I have both greyhounds and whippets. I would say the whippets are more active than the greyhounds. They can be trained quite well but do tend to be a bit stubborn. The show breds to tend to be a bit more laid back than the racing /working breds in my experience others may not agree. I tend to run mine in an enclosed area but I know loads of people who happily run their whippets in open fields and on beaches and have no problems at all. There are no serious health problems in the breed they are really quite healthy dogs. Whippets as pups tend to be quite lively and be can quite naughty. I have 5 pups at the moment aged 4 months 7 months and 3 of 11 months so they are quite a handfull. They are very loving dogs they like nothing more than to cuddle up with you on the sofa at night but if the fire is onthey will lie as close as they can get they will find the warmest place they can. Mine are happy with a 2 hour walk but equaly happy with a walk of 15 minutes down the road. If it is wet or cold they like to have their coats on. If the weather is really bad they are happy with a wee in the garden and to then curl up in front of the fire again.
I have had 5 whippets over the past 17 years . They are lovely dogs , good natured and calm . I think the main difference between whippets and some other breeds is once they have had their walks they are happy to go and lie down they are not restless and prowling around the house . They are also the most non aggressive breed of dog I have ever known and have never known one to be snappy . Generally they are very healthy and don't have the hereditary diseases some breeds suffer from .To any one thinking of getting one I would say , go for it , you willl never regret getting a whippet