Bedlington Granitor Working Dogs

Discussion in 'Bedlington Terrier' started by BeddieSlo, Jan 24, 2017.

  1. BeddieSlo

    BeddieSlo New Member

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    Bedlington Granitor

    I have just bought a bedlington puppy who comes from Granitor line. Mother is Granitor and father is not. I am not sure I really understand what Granitor means in term of physical look of the dog. I know granitor is a working line. But is it physically different looking from non granitor?
    I saw father and he is very cute. He is a show dog and a champion. But mother who is granitor was not groomed and only showed few times. She doesnt have the typical bedlington sheep like look. If I google granitor all I get is pics of working beddies chasing foxes :) not the show type ones.
    And this puppy of mine is only half granitor.
    I hope I make sense. They got me confused with granitor title ;)

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  3. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Difficult to answer your question. Granitor is the affix, (kennel name), belonging to John Holden who is a Championship show judge of the breed. Any Bedlington bred by him will carry this affix, and could share some characteristics with other dogs from his kennel.
    I can only suggest that you put your questions on type to Beddy breeders who will be able to explain the finer points of certain bloodlines. The best place to do this is after the breed has been judged at one of the larger dog shows, or at a breed club event. The best way to stay in touch is through the breed club, The Bedlington Terrier Association. Visit their site for contact details.
  4. Boerboel

    Boerboel New Member

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    Granitor is just a line of Bedlington Terriers. Granitor/Plashett is a pretty common line cross within the breed. Granitor/Gentleman Jack is another popular line cross. Granitor is a kennel. Their lines are popping up all over the world. Granitor Joker was a very popular stud. You should be able to trace all Granitor line pups back to Lukr Moon. Granitor dogs are KC reg and have been around for I would think something like 30 years now. They tend to be small, dogs around 15 inches, bitches 13.5 to 14 inches all with dark coats. The dogs are owned and bred by John Holden in the Manchester area. There are some photo's of Granitor dogs in 'The Working Bedlington Terrier Year Book 1998' and an article by John in the 1997 edition. Granitor Flint also shows up in a lot of pedigrees of Granitor dogs. The same with Granitor Lucky Man.

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