Bichon - Housebreaking issues Questions

Discussion in 'Bichon Frise' started by Denise0605, Oct 1, 2015.

  1. Denise0605

    Denise0605 New Member

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    Bichon - Housebreaking issues

    We have a 4 year old bichon who is still not fully housebroken. My fiance has had him since he was a puppy and at the time he got him he lived in an apartment and walked him multiple times a day. Now that we are in a home our Kobe will not go potty in the backyard. We have tried putting a leash on him and taking out back and that worked for a few days but now he won't go at all. He just stands there and looks at you, but if we take him out in front he has not problem going. He lifts his leg to everything. We want to install a doggy door for the other 2 dogs (Yorkie and German Shepard mix) we have that have no issues going in the backyard. But I feel that the doggy door would not work for Kobe since he has some issues with our backyard. Does anyone have any suggestions of how to get Kobe to go potty in our backyard? Thanks
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  3. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    First look around your garden see if there is something out there that is scaring Kobe, could be something flapping about like a plastic bag.
    Try taking him out front then walk him round back to garden (if able to do so)
    Also give him a toilet command when on walkies while he's going toilet, so Kobe understands he's done something to please you, then use same command in the garden, dogs are very clever & will soon pick up what your asking him to do.
  4. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    He's doing what he's been trained to do while you were living in the apartment. Re-training him to go in the garden means going back to square one and toilet training as though he were a puppy until he gets the idea that it is now OK to go in the back garden while he is off-lead
  5. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Have you tried installing a pee post in a shady place? It doesn't need to be one of the purpose made ones, my boy has a small but heavy road cone, (easily cleaned), in a paved area, and an upright tree branch, (more subtle appearance), in another. Gently praise or treat him for showing any interest. Let him establish a habit before you use any chemical cleaners though, in case he associates the smell with accidents.
  6. pooch495

    pooch495 New Member

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    Mike H
    Pee posts definitely work, we've used one since our bull terrier was a puppy. Just be sure to place it somewhere with good drainage to avoid a stinky situation. this article should help: We actually used ours indoors first on a puppy pad and then gradually moved it outdoors when housebreaking our pup.

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