Must put Bogie on a diet - today someone asked if he was a Clumber! And he got into the canal and couldn't get out again, so muggins here had to slide down the steep bank on my bottom, lie on my tummy and haul him out. My reward was that he then shook himself all over me.
Sorry Janet, but having a real fatso called Pereg, I cannot help you. But thankfully I do not have to fish her out of steepcanals! Just conve Da Booga to shift and permit me a sufficient amount of my double bed to myself
Sorry Janet - I am not sure what is going on between my computer and Breedia, but I meant convince, not conve???
There might be a light variety - if the weight doesn't shift I will look into it. But I don't think the problem is the food I put in his bowls - I am convinced it is because the rest of the family (and, I have to admit, me too sometimes) treat him like a dustbin. He will eat anything, and so if, say, my son has half a sandwich left, it is much easier to hand it to Bogie (who will just happen to be sitting next to anyone eating food) than to go and put it in the bin. So I shall have to lay down some firm rules. And also, make an appointment for him to be clipped so I can see just how portly he has become. I know in the past I've been concerned about his shape but when he's rid of his thick coat I've found it's not so bad as I thought. Here's hoping I'll be in for a pleasant surprise and not a shock!
Nah - I think it is an evil plan between my keyboard and me not checking properly or previewing that is the reason. Actually I think this keyboard is totally piddled orf with me so really should change it. I have two, maybe three new sets of wireless keyboards/mouses/the little things that have to plug into a port to control them [each set needs its own so if the keyboard or mouse goes Pete Tong you have to replace the whole set ] De Dawg I now call Fatso is - if not fat fat but fat and definitely a lot overweight, does not get scraps/titbits etc. She is fat and overweight because of getting hysterical when her brain thinks she wants more food. And the risk of hysteria causing a seizure against the knowledge that it is not good for her weight - well I choose not to risk another seizure.
I don't have that problem Janet as non of my 6 are scroungers, they have light dry food down all day & have fresh food every other day, any human food (no bones or fish) left over goes into the pig bins & farmer comes round & collects them every morning.
@6JRT's - that brings back memories of WWII when there were pig bins dotted around the place. I well remember us going with Mother to put whatever scraps there were in the nearest pig bin. Such a long time ago... I mean am I really that old?
I know all the leftovers from school dinners were used as pig swill. There was an overwhelming smell of cabbage, I seem to remember.
I thought pig swill bins had been made illegal years ago. I can remember them from school - they looked disgusting! We have food waste bins supplied by the LA, but as I compost peelings etc., mine is full of Eddie's search articles.
We were not even old enough for school - I am going back to during WWII here, and most things were composted for Father's "Dig for Victory" vegetable and fruit garden. We had a very long back garden and the end half of it Father turned into our vegetable supplies. If things could be grown, he grew them. Even when he was in the army, although due to his age [mid 30s] and medical conditions, plus three very young children he did not serve overseas.
We had leaflet through lettetbox asking if we will help out the local pig farmers by putting left over food into pig bins which will be collected every day, there's list what can be put in & list of what can't be put in, I don't mind as our general black bin only gets emptied every month now ( they took all the small black bins away & give us mega big black bins )